>  I'm skeptical that this will solve the problems. The issue doesn't
>  really have anything to do with relative versus absolute paths. If I
>  choose "biblio" as my BibTeX file, that is NOT a pathname.

I see your point now. Unlike InsetInclude and InsetGraphics where a
file must be a file, this thing can be any where... so it can not be
represented by any FileName stuff. Note that I never know the
possibility of using a bib file in some sort of $PATH.

>  And there are more problems I'm just discovering.
>  is also wrong, because it's (again) treating "biblio" and "IEEEexample"
>  as if they are pathnames, which (again) they are not.

This is the same mistake. biblio is not a filename and there is no way
to tell where it is in lyx.

It is clear that most bibtex/embed related stuff should be reverted.
Now the real question is: how do we embed bib files if a user really
wants to embed them???


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