On Fri, 18 Aug 2000, Juergen Vigna wrote:

> > 
> > Well, I can't reproduce it (or I don't undestand how I can get into this
> > "tabular" thing :) ). However, if you know any LyX action which changes
> > its state after you enter tabular from "plain action" to action which can
> > be toggled (LyXFunc::ToggleOn or LyXFunc::ToggleOff ) then you should know
> > the cause. Namely, when the menu is composed I use either regular or if
> > the action is toggled on/off --- GtkCheckMenuItem. Do you know any means
> > how can I know on beforehand whether the action is toggleable?
> That's the problem and IMO therefore the xforms implementation remakes the
> menu on the fly when it is opened. The problem is that we have only 4 states
> Disabled, Enabled, On and Off. To know this before we would need 6 of them
> Disabled, Enabled, On, Off, OnDisabled and OffDisabled!

Hmm. Can't we have  LyXFunc::Disabled | LyXFunc::ToggleOn and 
LyXFunc::Disabled | LyXFunc::ToggleOff ?  This means that it is the
responsibility of the programmer that implements some new action to define
its state this way (we can use LyXFunc::ToggleOff as the default for
this kind of actions).


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