On Fri, 4 Apr 2008, Joost Verburg wrote:

 I've talked to Andrei, Rex etc and from a design point of view, we're
 ready to go live. So what else is missing before a release?

Please let me know if there is still anything that needs to be done before the site can go live.

There is one thing that should be done before we start thinking of going live. The wiki pages currently reside in the wiki group 'Main/'. I want to change this to a more suitable name. This involves:

* Coming up with a good name, see my other post. Without opinions I'll
  just select some - I don't think the name will matter that much.

* Rename files in wiki.d/ from e.g. Main.News to e.g. Web.News

* Check that it still works... there are probably several links that
  rerfer to 'Main/'. These have to be fixed.

Actually, if no one objects to calling the group 'Web', I suggest we just go with that.

As for minor problems, we can fix those later. I'll start planning the migration tomorrow, but it'll take a while so you can keep fixing things in test/. The planning is a bit tricky because I'd like to use SVN to keep track of our configuration files and skin. I'll probably run into snags that require help from Jean-Marc in order to set proper ownership and permissions.

Here's how I intend the wiki(s) to appear as URIs initially:

* "www.lyx.org" as web pages through http://www.lyx.org/pmwiki.php
* "www.lyx.org" as wiki pages through http://www.lyx.org/wiki/pmwiki.php

Once that's working satisfactorily, I'll enlist Jean-Marc to get nicer URIs working, i.e. so that e.g.
gives the correct page.


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44               http://www.md.kth.se/~chr

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