I have tried to use $$s as a placeholder for the lyx system-directory
as a parameter for tex2lyx as suggested in Customization.lyx(3.4.3 Converters)
but failed.

Peeking in
        src/Converter.cpp, only $$i, $$b, $$o and $$p are interpreted.
                This differs to Customization.lyx(3.4.3 Converters)

        in  src/Mover.cpp, $$i, $$o and $$l
                not so in Customization.lyx(3.4.2 Copiers)

        in src/Format.cpp, $$i, $$p, and $$a
                are not handled in Customization.lyx(3.4.1 Formats)

Kornel Benko

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