Martin A Hansen wrote:
> hi lyx-devel
> i have found a bug.
> when inserting a citation reference into a lyx document, the reference in
> the end of the document only have the first letter of the
> reference title with capital letters - all the rest of the capital letters
> in the title are turned small. Ive checked the .bib file, and here the
> capital letters look ok:
> @article{KIRPEKAR2000,
>    author = {F. Kirpekar, and S. Douthwaite and P. Roepstorff},
>    affiliation = {$\lbrace$Department of Molecular Odense
> Denmark. f.kir@PR-grou
>    title = { Mapping posttranscriptional modifications in 5S ribosomal RNA
> by MALDI mass spectrometry. },
> the resulting reference in the lyx doc, have: "5s ribosomal rna by maldir
> mass spectrometry" with all non-capital letters! so i guess its in the
> bibtex reference import it goes wrong...

This is not a bug but a feature of BibTeX, which does not capitalize
words in article titles (as recommended by various style manuals).  To
force capitalization when BibTeX would prefer not to, use braces, like

 title = { Mapping posttranscriptional modifications in {5S} ribosomal
{RNA} by {MALDI} mass spectrometry. }

Exporting to LaTeX doesn't help any, since LaTeX is the source of the


Carl Ollivier-Gooch                               Voice: +1-604-822-1854
Assistant Professor                                 Fax: +1-604-822-2403
Department of Mechanical Engineering             email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
University of British Columbia    
Vancouver, BC  V6T 1Z4         

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