>Could you try again and tell me what problems remain?


As a consequence of second point below, Bug 5156 still leads to an
assertion (crash).

Furthermore, some (minor) problems remain: 


Enter some text and insert a Note (without a space in between). When you
select text in front of and adjacent to the Note, right-clicking the
button of the Note won't clear the selection. This means that when the
cursor is not immediately in front of the Note a context menu will be
shown with all items disabled. (And bug 5156 still occurs)


If you right-click the button of the Note, the dissolve item is always
disabled. Related to this: choosing the dissolve item of the context
menu of a subfloat will dissolve the outer float. Probably caused by an
inset-dissolve command instead of a next-inset-dissolve command. (I know
there has been discussion on this point before).


When selecting both the text and the Note and right-clicking on the Note
shows a context menu of the Note with all items disabled instead of the
normal edit context menu, which you would expect when right-clicking on
a selection. Only when the cursor is immediately in front of the Note,
the context menu will have some enabled items.


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