On Tue, 19 Sep 2000, R. Lahaye wrote:

> "Garst R. Reese" wrote:
> > The Opions->Preferences dialog is too narrow on 800x600.
> > The tab that is labeled Pri??? is cutoff. Clicking on the part remaining
> > causes a
> > Garst
> Indeed, it would be better if the default width includes the
> second half of the "Printer" tab and the "Path" tab.

On all my test systems (three of them) the default size includes all the
tabs with room to spare.

> However, I think the preferences dialog has more serious
> problems:
> When the last visible tab is only partially visible,
> clicking on it will always cause a SIGSEV. For example,
> resize the window so that you see "Pa" instead of "Path".
> Click on "Pa" -> SIGSEV.

This is an xforms problem.  I have noticed that 0.89 will scroll along
those tabs that don't fit while 0.88 will just crash.

Since Preferences is still a work in progress (despite what the guii.php3
page says) I reserve the right to crash anyones system :P

Actually,  I've been trying to figure out how to fit everything into the
tabbed area without requiring a dialog that is 2048pixels wide.  I'm very,
very slowly getting there.  At present it looks like I'll switch to a
nested tabbed dialog scheme and hopefully have plenty of room for each set
of tabs.

Ideally, all dialogs should completely fit in a 800x600 screen.  We used
to try for 640x480 maximum size but something like Preferences is pretty
tough to fit in that small a screen.  Maybe I should just switch to a
smaller font size but I find it strange that so many seem to have very
different font sizes.

Allan. (ARRae)

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