Stephan Witt wrote:
> Currently, I'm trying to start building LyX on Mac OS X.
> The first experiment to configure with an Qt-dmg from Trolltech failed.
> So I'm trying it as described in INSTALL.MacOSX and now I'm building
> my privat Qt-Library. It's not ready now. Then I hope to proceed
> succesfully
> with configure && make of LyX.

This is what I do (on Intel 10.4.11):

**** Qt *****

./configure -prefix ~/qt-443 -release -static -fast -no-exceptions -universal -sdk /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk -nomake examples -nomake tools -nomake demos -no-libtiff

make install

%Now remove *.la from /path/to/qt-4.4-install/lib/.
rm  ~/qt-443/lib/*.la

**** LyX *****

Use the attached to build LyX with debug-symbols (and Intel-only). The other script is what Bennett and I currently use for release builds (universal binary).

**** Build from svn ******

I do not remember exactly what is all needed, but install automake, gettext and pkgconfig. I highly recommend macports for doing this (super-simple, and keeps everything tidy in its own directory tree in /opt/...).

Then check out the LyX source, run, and configure as above.


I might have forgotten something. If something does not work, let me know (I probably ran into the same problem, before). :)


P.S. I've tried using cmake/XCode before, and it works, too (not for release builds though).

Description: Bourne shell script

Description: Bourne shell script

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