On Sat, 23 Sep 2000, Garst R. Reese wrote:

> Did you see my proposal to use M-capital-letters for menu shortcuts,
> which would leave M-m available for math key bindings.
> Would you find that acceptable?
> Marko observed:
> And LyX will be the only program I know to do that :). Actually, I know
> a
> lot of people who open menu and select menu item by keyboard only using
> M-f o, for example.
> -----------------------------
> But LyX does not have rulers, tabs, doublespaces after periods either.
> And how many other programs have hollywood and broadway :)

True. But in all programs with the menus I know (Gnome & KDE ...), user
can select the menu by M-<character underlined in menu>. We can just
change _Math to M_ath or Mat_h and be consistent with the mentioned GUI.


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