On Thu, 23 Oct 2008, Sean Mullane wrote:

This is my first time posting to this list. First, let me say that LyX has been a great tool for me - I do all my write-ups and homework sets in it now. It certainly makes LaTeX easier and faster to use. So keep up the good work!

That said, I haven't found a way to include most cursive characters in math formulas. There is the \ell, \imath and \jmath, but that's it in terms of lower case cursive. Given that I study physics, characters like the cursive 'r' come up quite a bit. It would be nice if there were a whole cursive alphabet section like one sees for the greek letters.

I'm not especially well-versed in LaTeX, so it may be that this falls outside your realm, but if not it would be a much-appreciated feature.

Hi Sean,

I think you should try asking on the user's list, maybe someone there will know? Otherwise it sounds like you should add it as a request for an enhancment in the Bugzilla system.


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44            http://www.md.kth.se/~chr

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