On Wednesday 19 November 2008 00:33:57 José Matos wrote:
> Hi,
>       instead of a long (and boring) roadmap that no one follows I would like 
> to
> suggest small threads that deal with single issues.
>       In this case for lyx2lyx I suggest to use lxml: 
> http://codespeak.net/lxml/
>       I am aware that this is an external library but it can be easily 
> installed
> and it works for all versions of python that we support.
>       Code that illustrates the simplicity of the library will follow 
> tomorrow.

The following code extracts the file format used in the document ug.lyx

from lxml.etree import parse

tree = parse('ug.lyx')
document = tree.getroot()

for part in document:
        print part.tag

Results in:


>       Note that among other advantages the conversion between xml will become
> faster than what happens now.
>       Any problem with this choice?

José Abílio

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