Dear LyX Developers,


I am writing this e-mail for a couple of reasons.  First, I wanted to
generally say thank you for creating a fantastic program.  LyX is my
favorite writing environment.  It was my first introduction to LaTeX and the
concept of "WYSIWYM" editing.  Each iteration of the program brings it
closer to a more or less perfect tool (if such a thing can be said to
exist).  I particularly like the "collaborative" features and version
control integration that appeared somewhere between versions 1.5 and 1.6.


For the past few months, I've been teaching myself Python and C++ and I've
finally arrived at a point where I can contribute to OpenSource projects.
As a result, I would love to help with LyX development in any way I can.


In particular, there are a few features I would love to develop (either as
plug-ins/extensions or part of the main program).  However, I do not know
how such features are proposed to the developer community at large.  What is
the best way to go about this?  At the moment, I am actually composing a
brief proposal that explains the "vision" and why I think said features
would be a solid addition to the existing LyX set.


LyX is a fantastic program and I am deeply grateful for the years of work
that many of you have provided to make it so.


Best Regards,


Rob Oakes

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