1. Click on an inset to display the relevant dialog.
2. Change document. Dialog remains open.

Clearly this is erroneous as insets and their dialogs are buffer dependent. 
Presumably the way to resolve this is to connect the inset->hide and 
hideBufferDependent signals?

2. I have two documents open with current cvs lyx. I'm not sure how, but one 
has footnotes displayed in the NEW_INSET style, whilst the other has them in 
old style. Isn't this impossible???? Trust me, it's here in front of me. (I 
did have NEW_INSETS enabled, but have turned that off and recompiled the 
whole code base to track down bugs for the 1.1.6 release.)

3. Open up a NEW_INSET footnote. It contains a reference inset. Clicking on 
this inset sometimes opens the dialog, sometimes doesn't, but always seems to 
highlight (mark) some surrounding text. Things work fine with the old code in 
this regard.

4. Insert->Cross reference launches the reference dialog, but the list of 
possible labels is not displayed. I'll have a look at this.


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