On Sun, 29 Mar 2009, Andre Poenitz wrote:
This is an important issue. We for example had to pay all costs for
our last developer meeting on our own but the general LyX donations
are exactly for that purpose in my opinion. Moreover are the people
who sponsor us still not listed at our webpage while this is the case
on Abdel's page and one of the reasons for Abdel's success.
Lars indeed approached me after the meeting and I did indeed no see a
reason for immediate action (for me, personally).
The fact that Berlin costs have been handled... "unusually" ... can be
blamed to a large part to my laziness.
From what I remember of Bromarv, some financial aspects were indeed
discussed, and I believe LyX funds were used to pay for a dinner. Perhaps
our hosts got compensated for (at least partially?) food/beer.
It's our (collective) fault in Berlin for not taking more care with the
financial aspects, but that is probably what happens when you are used to
relying on Lars' to take care of this.
Even so, I thought it was quite ok for me to pay for travel and some
dining out, while André payed for beer and snacks. And Stephan and his
wife contributed with housing and breakfast. So overall I think it was
pretty fair, unless the beer/snacks was very expensive for André.
Maybe it would be more constructive to discuss how we _would_ like things
like this dealt with?
Or perhaps even more constructive, to discuss when/where the next LyX
meeting should be held?
Christian Ridderström Mobile: +46-70 687 39 44