
I spent some time investigating the server, and here's an intermediate result. I'm keeping notes here

Generally I've noticed that sometimes even when interacting with the server via CLI, it sometimes seems slow to respond. So I created a simple script that executes a command while measuring the execution time. Initially I wanted to look at disk access, but then I went with something even more basic, e.g. the command

        sleep 1

This command ought to take 1 second to execute, and if it takes much longer than that something strange is happening, which could of course just be a very high load on the server. Or perhaps on the host of the VM.

So once I had the script that measured these times, I gave it a threshold time for which it'd count "overruns". Below is a table with results for measuring the execution time of
        sleep 0.1
with a threshold of 0.12 s, and doing this 10000 times. This test was repeated on four different "machines".

Test    Overrun Max     VM/HW   System
# [ms] 1 517 2600 VM LyX server (VM)
2       32      158     VM      VM on Christian's home server
3       24      145     HW      Christian's home server
4       2       174     HW      Christian's old Mini-ITX

Test 1 is on the LyX server, and there are many "overruns". Sometimes it takes one or even two seconds to execute 'sleep 0.1'. This is _much_ more compared to test 2-4, which was run on other hardware or virtual machines.

As for conclusions, I know think I have a test that gives a difference for the LyX server compared to other machines. I think the most telling sign is when a command such as 'sleep 0.1' takes over a second to execute, then something strange is going on with the server.


Christian Ridderström                           Mobile: +46-70 687 39 44

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