On Fri, May 29, 2009 at 11:12:18AM +0200, Helge Hafting wrote:
> Graphichs dialog:
> The "maintain aspect ratio" checkbox has the tooltip text "Scale image 
> to maximum size not exceeding width and height"
> This looks like misinformation to me. I never had the impression that 
> this checkbox maximized the size in any way. It maintains correct aspect 
> ratio, for example when I specify an exact width and no height. The 
> image may very well be small - i.e. not maximized in any way.

If you give both width and height, you specify a bounding box that
should not be exceeded. So, the image will be scaled to the maximum
size such that neither the specified width nor the specified height
are exceeded.

If you only specify one of the dimensions, the other one can freely

Maybe the tooltip could be changed to "Scale image to maximum size
not exceeding the bounding box specified by width and height".


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