On Fri, 29 May 2009, Mike Ressler wrote:


If anyone (perhaps the original authors)

The original author (that would be me) is still lurking in the background.

Hi Mike,

very cool to still see you lurking here!

note that images there are _not_ localised. i would encourage Hartmut to update the english version ot the text.

I didn't quite understad what Pavel meant with this?

If you believe the dates on some of the xdvi screenshots, I did the original 10 1/2 years ago! So it really is time to update the whole thing, including the page previews. Is Hartmunt up to doing that? I can volunteer to help proofread, but I don't have the opportunity to do much more than that.

He has already taken new screenshots, it's the ones that are locatd here:


Unfortunately I have no idea how (much) these differ, and what the implications are for the text. Let's hope Hartmut's reading this and chimes in.

Best regards,

Christian Ridderström                           Mobile: +46-70 687 39 44

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