Dear LyX developers,

    I have some question: I will soon need to write a paper in Polish,
but currently there is no way of having "Theorem", "Proposition" and
alike in Polish language other than translating layouts manually (or
have I missed something?). What is the best approach to this task, i.e.
how to do it universally, so that such a translation could later be
integrated into LyX and into the future versions of layouts itself?

    Some framework for doing so would be quite useful in my opinion,
because as of now, it seems to me that all the names are hardcoded into
layout files, which makes the work of maintaining them for different
languages needlessly complicated.

    Am I right in these observations? If so, are there any plans to
solve this? It seems important, because as of now setting the language
in the document has no effect for the generated documents, on the other
hand, setting the language for the LyX interface seems to translate some
names (still not all of them: "Axiom" for example is not trasnlated
into Polish), but only in the LyX GUI - this is not happening in sync
with the target document (why?), so everything has to be translated
twice for the full effect.

    Not to mention, that switching language for LyX GUI has problems of
its own. Changing the LANG variable gives a lot of warning messages
about conflicting or non-existing keyboard shortcuts.

    It is all VERY confusing, especially for non-English newcomers, as
there the language is non-English by default; luckily for me, I started
writing in English and set default GUI language to English, and only now
I need to switch the language; otherwise I would be too confused to use
LyX at all.

    I'm eagerly awaiting an answer before I start translating everything
manually - I still hope that I've missed something obvious.

Thanks in advance,
MichaƂ Skrzypek

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