Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW wrote:
> I've been thinking how a proper support would look like ? If we do a
>  GUI-thing, you'll have to type raw LaTeX.
> So, opt-insets in the index entry? 

We need to extend the index inset dialog (which is currently only used for 
multiple indices). The dialog would contain things such as (at least):

( ) Start range
( ) End range

Cross reference ("see"): ______________________

Formatting of page number:

[ ] Bold
[ ] Emphasized

The above entails the most common subset (but the possibilities are much 
larger, of course).

> Then we should add a possibility to
>  InsetLayout to specify which optional insets you can add to another inset,
>  and to have another expandable menu Insert->Optional Insets.. Or something
>  like that. That'd solve the awkward "Short Title" stuff for other than
>  "Short Title" opt-insets.

As for the OptArg, I was thinking about something similar: Define the GUI 
string in the layout. However, I was thinking about extending the mechanism to 
allow for mandatory arguments as well. Instead of the collapsables (which are 
OK for real "short titles", i.e. in headings and captions), you would set 
these opt args in the paragraph dialog (in the same vein as the "longest 
label", which is actually a mandatory arg).

> Opinions ?


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