You don't need Cygwin to test it.

1. Use "\\.\pipe\lyxpipe" (without quotes) as the LyXserver pipe path
   in the preferences.
2. Quit and restart LyX.
3. In a cmd.exe terminal type
     echo LYXCMD:test:file-open> \\.\pipe\
     type \\.\pipe\lyxpipe.out

If the file dialog opens, it works.
This doesn't work. I get an error message: "LyXComm: The parameter is invalid", or ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER in server....@294.

If I do the following it works (but it'll not be the correct fix, but you know at least that it works in this case):

   success = ReadFile(pipe_[i].handle,
       pipe_[i].readbuf, PIPE_BUFSIZE - 1,
+       &pipe_[i].nbytes, &pipe_[i].overlap);
-       &pipe_[i].nbytes, NULL);

The following fixes it for me:

    bool LyXComm::startPipe(DWORD index)
          pipe_[index].pending_io = false;
+ pipe_[index].overlap.Offset = 0;
+         pipe_[index].overlap.OffsetHigh = 0;

see and scroll down to the third comment:


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To make this code work you'll need to clear the OVERLAPPED struct before it's used by ReadFile/WriteFile. For that correct the ConnectToNewClient() method like this:

|BOOL ConnectToNewClient(HANDLE hPipe, LPOVERLAPPED lpo) { BOOL fConnected, fPendingIO = FALSE;

|*lpo->*|*Offset*| = 0;         //MISSING!

|*lpo->*|*OffsetHigh*| = 0;     //MISSING!|

|// Start an overlapped connection for this pipe instance. fConnected = ConnectNamedPipe(hPipe, lpo); ...


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