On Sunday 08 November 2009 02:00:01 rgheck wrote:
> I think Jose has been working on it here and there, but very much behind 
> the scenes. My own view is that we should do one of these two things, or 
> both:

After some of the current ultra-super-mega busy period is over I will post the 
code I have. That means in a month or less before you start to question my 
judgment. ;-)

> 1) Plan after the next major release essentially to freeze trunk and put 
> as much effort as possible into a transition to XML. I could be wrong, 
> but I think getting a workable XML format will not actually be very 
> hard. We would need a proper plan, and a DTD, but the initial writing of 
> the format need be nothing more than exchanging \begin_inset for 
> <inset>, and the initial reading of the form can be done with the 
> current parser; InsetTabular already looks like XML.

I agree. I will send a message soon about this.

> 2) Work in pieces. As I just said, InsetTabular is already XML. I'd 
> think we could transition the InsetCommand hierarchy to XML quite 
> independent of everything else, and with very little work. (In fact, I 
> often think of doing this for 1.7, if only to make some sense out of 
> that whole mess.) After that's done, what's next? Then the next piece, 
> and the next. There are similar issues, and possibilities, for layout 
> files, though having LyX's own file format go to XML doesn't necessarily 
> mean transitioning those.

I would like to have other opinions about this. It would be nice to have an 
overview of the actions needed to transition to xml.

> Richard

José Abílio

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