Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
Abdelrazak Younes <> writes:
One instance where .tex generation does cause a slowdown is with "View
Source" open. While editing a large document with "Complete Source"
checked, LyX can't keep up with my typing speed. This issue is
insidious because the user may not realize that the "View Source"
window is the cause. It makes LyX look painfully slow. Using a
separate thread to update the "View Source" pane would be a tremendous
This is indeed a good argument in favour of cloning the Buffer.
Nope. I just profiled with sysprof what happens when typing in UserGuide
with LaTeX source shown (with full source). Conclusions are
* it is painfully slow :)
* 69% of time is spent in libQtGui itself
* 4.3% of time is used to generate the full source code
I guess that qtextedit does not like big texts...
Or maybe our handmade syntax highlighter... Disabling it will for sure
make a difference. Also we ask the text edit to reload a big file at
each keystroke while we merely paint the current line; not a fair
comparison :-)