Jean-Marc Lasgouttes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

| >>>>> "Lars" == Lars Gullik Bjønnes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
| Lars> We don't want it in the .h file use a unsigned logn as parameter
| Lars> to the lyx::mkdir
| I've done it already. BTW, is there a readon why we still have in
| lyxlib.h versions of functions taking char* as argument instead of
| string?

No, not really.

We should probably also change the ones return ing char * to return a
f.ex. getcwd should change to:

string const getcwd() {
        char buf[MAX_PATH];
#ifndef __EMX__
        ::getcwd(buf, MAX_PATH);
        ::_getcwd2(buf, MAX_PATH);  
        string ret(buf);
        return ret;

No question on how has responsibility for memory


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