>Yes, that's right. So does the attached make sense? It seems
>to solve it for me, but I have no idea what it does to the RTL stuff.

The problems seems to be that we want to draw the cursor, even if it's
not visible. To compute the height and place of the cursor, we retrieve
what font the text has at the place of the cursor. While retrieving the
font, we check whether we are at a RTL boundary and since the
problematic revision, the RTL boundary involves whether the line is
broken at that position or not. I don't really understand what influence
that should have on whether we are on an RTL boundary or not.

It seems to be the exact problem I was warning for back then (end
november in Berlin). The case Dov tried to solve is degenerate. We use a
single boundary boolean to indicate whether the the cursor is at the end
of line 1 or at the beginning of line 2, but also to indicate whether we
are at the R or at the L side of an RTL boundary. In this case, those
principles get mixed up. The change introduced tries to fix this, but
now pure text information is mixed with information how it looks like on

To avoid the problems, the following case always return false for


In which | is the cursor and \n is a "soft" line break. 

As a consequence the answer to the question: is the font at the current
position the font before or after the cursor is dependent on the
breaking of the paragraph, but well... that's irrelevant if the cursor
is out of view.

I hope you understand this..


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