On Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 10:22:29AM -0600, Rob Oakes wrote:

> Dear LyX Developers,
> I've been trying to build the most recent SVN version of LyX using mingw
> and cmake on Windows (via Qt Creator).  However, I've run into a snag
> and cannot get os_win32.cpp to compile.  After configuring (which
> proceeds without errors), the compiler tells me:
> '_snprint' was not defined in this scope (os_win32.cpp, lines 581, 605)
> After looking at the source, I assume that this is a reference to a
> Windows function of some sort and that I must not have a dependency.  I
> cannot seem to figure out what I'm missing, however.

Note that lines 581 and 605 are using '_snprintf' and not '_snprint', so,
unless you made a mistake, this could mean that the preprocessor is playing
tricks with you.

> I've never run into these issues on Linux and Mac.  Any ideas on what I
> could try?

Maybe cmake fails to add a necessary library, but I never used cmake so I
can't tell for sure. I regularly compile a native Windows version of LyX
using mingw+autotools and never had such a problem. So, you could try using
autotools, in which case it works as 'usual' (configure, make, make install).


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