
as usual after release i repost planned features, Richard's plate slowly 
disappeating, nice...

the other stuff is not moving and i have been thinking that we should highlight 
most important
tasks because while many things would be nice to have, we would never switch to 
beta if we wait
for all of them.

- finish dispatch stuff (this usually brings new bugs)
- are there still plan to change internals of comparison feature?
- MAC support wrt spellchecker is currently in evolution.
- new win installer is being worked upon.

i don't see other as showstoppers, but tastes differ, so feel free to pick up 
different ones...

anybode involved in the issues - please try to drop a line about your plans, so 
we can
try to setup some schedule. it wouldn't be much nice to move into two-digits 
alphas ;)

original (updated) listing:

    * Comparison - IIRC Vincent considered some more work which would use words 
instead of characters to boost up the process.
                   Currently the documents which are far from each other will 
never finish in a reasonable time.
                   --Pavel: I need some API for connection in VC_COMPARE...
    * The "Export as ZIP" feature. 
    * #2625 - convert the search dialog to a search bar
    * #4017 - Drag and drop support for graphics
    * #5603 - multiple text selections the same time

    * #6031 - Default citation style in natbib support
    * #1714 - For each equation, keep track of image filename.
    * #3008 - add support for textsuperscript and textsubscript
    * #4595 - content of label inset is LaTeX code
    * #6455 - Multiple index UI polishment

    * Multiple viewers/converters. Juergen asked for some help; how this 
evolved, what is to be done in this area?
                       J: I still did not yet find the time to re-address this. 
I need to clean up the tree with my changes
                       (it doesn't compile anymore) and re-ponder the thing. I 
hope I can do this eventually. If not, LyX 2.0
                       should be released without this feature.
                       R: I can do the graph work, if I know precisely what 
needs doing. We had some discussions, but then they kind of died,
                       as we both got busy. So I'm not quite sure where we 
                       bug #3648 related.
    * #867: it would be nice if all tex>html converters found were configured
    * #2339: LyX doesn't allow environments with options
    * #2591: text inset for tipa
    * #3648: Different pdf formats pdf, pdf2, and pdf3 are confusing

    * rc2rc conversion scripts for converting older preferences into new ones. 
Jose promised to come with something.

    * Tabular stuff. Edwin, Uwe and Abdel seem to work on it right now. 
Problems listed in wiki.
    * There has been some work on dispatch results, unfinished now as bugs 
reveal. (bug #6417).
                AY: In particular "inset-modify tabular" has to be addressed...
                JM: For inset-modify, I think that putting this as AtPoint 
function was wrong.
                    Actually the reason why it happens is the "inset-modify 
changetype" variant which actually makes no sense.
                    We should define a inset-change-type lfun and use this in 
contextual menus.

    * (Pavel) Connection between VCS and comparison feature.
    * maybe generic pane in settings for user defined VCS operations.
    * #6632 - Try to guify vlna in case multiple conversion routes are done in 

    * (Uwe)  #2605 - Add checkbox for automatic equation, figure and table 
numbering corresponding to section number
    * #6622 - Rendering "\utilde" on screen

    * #4624 - Exporting to latex with included bibtex bbl.
      I remember there was some patch floating around the dev list, but cant 
remebebr whats the status.


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