
I have looked here http://www.lyx.org/DeveloperResources

But I have questions specific to myself:

My only programming experience is with Perl (I know... strange one start
with). I would say that I am an intermediate programmer in Perl. I also have
a few years experience with R, and feel comfortable with it's OOP style. I
would like to start learning C++ and someday contribute to LyX. The books on
the developer resources seem too advanced for me. I do learn from books, so
although I would appreciate advice regarding online resources, I am
particularly interested in books. Price is not too much of a concern. I am
mainly interested in C++ programming on Linux, if that makes a difference.

The two beginning C++ books I'm considering getting are:
Accelerated C++: Practical Programming by Example
C++ Primer Plus (Prata)

And after that, I guess I should learn the STL? I would thus focus on
Generic Programming and the STL: Using and Extending the C++ Standard
Template Library
The C++ Standard Library: A Tutorial and Reference

Also, how important is it to get a book published in the last 10 years? Does
it matter that most of the STL books I see were published 10 years ago?
Thank you for any advice,

Xu Wang

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