On 05/09/2011 06:06 PM, Julien Rioux wrote:
> On 09/05/2011 5:15 PM, Pavel Sanda wrote:
>> Richard Heck wrote:
>>> Jurgen liked having the keyword because it made it easier to tell what
>>> bugs had been fixed for the next release. I suppose your suggestion,
>>> closing them with the milestone, probably serves the same purpose. So
>>> I'd be happy to say we just close these bugs now, but make really sure
>>> we set the right milestone.
>> iirc this was the case up to now and the reason for keyword was that
>> some
>> users complained that its closed as fixed, but not in fact released.
>> i find the whole "fixedinxxx" keywording weird and can't remember any
>> other bug tracking system i used up to now to use this kind of idiom.
>>> So here's a new proposal, modeled on your suggestions:
>>> 1. Bugs fixed in trunk and branch should be closed, with the milestone
>>> set to the next maintenance release.
>>> 2. Bugs fixed in trunk with some intention that they should be fixed in
>>> branch should be keyword'ed fixedintrunk, as now, and the milestone
>>> should be set either to the next maintenance release or to 2.0.x. (This
>>> is pretty much as now.)
>>> 3. Bugs fixed in trunk that we know we will not fix in branch should be
>>> closed, with milestone the next major release (2.1.0, in this case).
>>> This means that, whenever a bug is fixed in trunk, one of three things
>>> should happen:
>>> (a) If it should be included in the next maintenance release, then that
>>> milestone should be set and the keyword "fixedintrunk" should be added.
>>> (b) If it is eligible for branch, but needs testing, etc, then the
>>> milestone 2.0.x should be set and the keyword "fixedintrunk" should be
>>> added.
>>> (c) If it is not eligible for branch, or if it is decided that it will
>>> not be included in branch (touches too much code, etc), then milestone
>>> 2.1.0 should be set, and the bug should be closed. In this case,
>>> fixedintrunk does NOT need to be set.
>>> Vincent, is this, in particular, (c), OK with you? We will have all the
>>> same query abilities under this system, so far as I can see, but I'll
>>> have the ability to query the fixed in trunk but not branch bugs, too.
>>> It'll also mean we don't have to do mass bug changes so often.
>> maybe we can close bugs with comment "will be fixed in 2.0.3" so all
>> users do understand.
> That's pretty good option. However if we change to closing these bugs
> for yet unreleased versions, we might have to change the default query
> to search also for closed bugs. For end users.
Maybe the default query should be like that, anyway. People often use
older versions and so can report fixed bugs.

> Another option is to set up custom fields in trac. You can have
> checkmark-like fields fixedintrunk and fixedinbranch. You can search
> on those individually.
> http://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/TracTicketsCustomFields
This looks complicated.


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