Am 18.05.2011 um 09:10 schrieb Stephan Witt:

> Am 18.05.2011 um 08:42 schrieb Sebastian Rockel:
>> Hello,
>> I can confirm that on my OSX 10.6.7 machine LyX2 is reproducible crashing 
>> when using BetterTouchTool to resize the main window.
>> (I think that wasn't the case with any release candidate as far as I 
>> remember, LyX 1.6 was okay as well)
> Do you think so or can you verify this, please? Do you have the RC .dmg on 
> your machine?
> You can try it from the mounted .dmg - no need to downgrade to verify that...

LyX-2.0.0rc3 (mounted) definitely does NOT crash with BetterTouchTool. I just 
tried again.

Nevertheless I just figured out that I was using LyX rc3 instead of the release 
(sorry for the confusion) and it DID crash.

After installing the release I now can reproducible crash it. When downgrading 
to rc3 again it does not crash.

It's weird, isn't it.

By the way, maybe not related, when starting Lyx (release and candidate) the 
main window is on top of others but has not the focus.

Anyway, when lyx crashes it seems to be an endless recursion and finally a 
stack overflow (see backtrace below).

Hope that helps anyhow.


> Stephan

Program received signal EXC_BAD_ACCESS, Could not access memory.
Reason: KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE at address: 0xbf7fff5c
0x973951a6 in szone_malloc_should_clear ()
#0  0x973951a6 in szone_malloc_should_clear ()
#1  0x97395148 in malloc_zone_malloc ()
#2  0x97546a13 in _CFRuntimeCreateInstance ()
#3  0x97549e3a in __CFArrayInit ()
#4  0x96dbffd3 in HIObject::GetNamedAccessibleAttributeSelf ()
#5  0x96e12afb in HIView::GetNamedAccessibleAttributeSelf ()
#6  0x96dbf510 in HIObject::DispatchAccessibilityEvent ()
#7  0x96dbf0ac in HIObject::HandleClassAccessibilityEvent ()
#8  0x96d37216 in HIObject::EventHook ()
#9  0x96d36c2f in DispatchEventToHandlers ()
#10 0x96d35ef6 in SendEventToEventTargetInternal ()
#11 0x96da32a1 in CallNextEventHandler ()
#12 0x00e5b770 in getNamedAttribute ()
#13 0x00e5d63f in accessibilityEventHandler ()
#14 0x96d36c2f in DispatchEventToHandlers ()
#15 0x96d35ef6 in SendEventToEventTargetInternal ()
#16 0x96d35d55 in SendEventToEventTargetWithOptions ()
#17 0x96dce3f6 in Accessible::SendEvent ()
#18 0x96dcf804 in Accessible::GetNamedAttributeData ()
#19 0x96dcf2e9 in GetEventParameterAsPropertyList ()
#20 0x96dcf82e in Accessible::GetNamedAttributeData ()
#21 0x96dcf2e9 in GetEventParameterAsPropertyList ()
#22 0x96dcf82e in Accessible::GetNamedAttributeData ()
#69777 0x96dcf2e9 in GetEventParameterAsPropertyList ()
#69778 0x96dcf82e in Accessible::GetNamedAttributeData ()
#69779 0x96dcf2e9 in GetEventParameterAsPropertyList ()
#69780 0x96dcf82e in Accessible::GetNamedAttributeData ()
#69781 0x96dcfa4d in HLTBCopyUIElementAttributeValue ()
#69782 0x96dcfae1 in CarbonCopyAttributeValueCallback ()
#69783 0x90376f51 in CopyCarbonUIElementAttributeValue ()
#69784 0x90379eaa in CopyAttributeValue ()
#69785 0x952601e7 in _AXXMIGCopyAttributeValue ()
#69786 0x9526bb08 in _XCopyAttributeValue ()
#69787 0x9523d2b5 in mshMIGPerform ()
#69788 0x975814db in __CFRunLoopRun ()
#69789 0x9757f464 in CFRunLoopRunSpecific ()
#69790 0x9757f291 in CFRunLoopRunInMode ()
#69791 0x00e1ea00 in QEventDispatcherMac::processEvents ()
#69792 0x00cdb781 in QEventLoop::processEvents ()
#69793 0x00cdba9a in QEventLoop::exec ()
#69794 0x00cdce50 in QCoreApplication::exec ()
#69795 0x000f89dd in lyx::Lexer::Pimpl::~Pimpl ()
#69796 0x00010c57 in lyx::IconvProcessor::Impl::Impl ()
#69797 0x00010a6b in lyx::IconvProcessor::Impl::Impl ()
#69798 0x00010999 in lyx::IconvProcessor::Impl::Impl ()

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