> If this are all changes, I wouldn't touch it any more, maybe 
> we update it later,
> and if we have changed it there would be too much noise in the diff.

You mean update from the original Qt Creator source? Yeah, that's a good idea.

Then here's the patch with camel-cased filenames.

Index: src/frontends/qt4/PanelStack.cpp
--- src/frontends/qt4/PanelStack.cpp	(revisione 38779)
+++ src/frontends/qt4/PanelStack.cpp	(copia locale)
@@ -14,16 +14,28 @@
 #include "qt_helpers.h"
+#include "GuiApplication.h"
 #include "support/debug.h"
+#include "support/foreach.h"
+#include "support/lassert.h"
+#include <QAbstractButton>
+#include <QApplication>
+#include <QColorGroup>
+#include <QComboBox>
 #include <QFontMetrics>
+#include <QGroupBox>
 #include <QHBoxLayout>
 #include <QHeaderView>
+#include <QLabel>
+#include <QLineEdit>
+#include <QListWidget>
+#include <QPalette>
+#include <QPushButton>
 #include <QStackedWidget>
 #include <QTreeWidget>
+#include <QVBoxLayout>
-#include "support/lassert.h"
 using namespace std;
 namespace lyx {
@@ -33,9 +45,16 @@
 PanelStack::PanelStack(QWidget * parent)
 	: QWidget(parent)
+	delay_search_ = new QTimer(this);
 	list_ = new QTreeWidget(this);
 	stack_ = new QStackedWidget(this);
+	search_ = new FancyLineEdit(this);
+	// Configure the timer
+	delay_search_->setSingleShot(true);
+	connect(delay_search_, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(search()));
+	// Configure tree
@@ -48,9 +67,31 @@
 	connect(list_, SIGNAL(itemClicked (QTreeWidgetItem*, int)),
 		this, SLOT(itemSelected(QTreeWidgetItem *, int)));
-	QHBoxLayout * layout = new QHBoxLayout(this);
-	layout->addWidget(list_, 0);
-	layout->addWidget(stack_, 1);
+	// Configure the search box
+#if QT_VERSION >= 0x040700
+	search_->setPlaceholderText(qt_("Search"));
+	search_->setButtonPixmap(FancyLineEdit::Right, getPixmap("images/", "editclear", "png"));
+	search_->setButtonVisible(FancyLineEdit::Right, true);
+	search_->setButtonToolTip(FancyLineEdit::Right, qt_("Clear text"));
+	search_->setAutoHideButton(FancyLineEdit::Right, true);
+	connect(search_, SIGNAL(rightButtonClicked()), this, SLOT(resetSearch()));
+	connect(search_, SIGNAL(textEdited(QString)), this, SLOT(filterChanged(QString)));
+	// Create a HBox for the search box and the reset button
+	QHBoxLayout * search_layout = new QHBoxLayout();
+	search_layout->addWidget(search_, 0);
+	// Create the output layout, horizontal plus a VBox on the left with the search
+	// box and the tree
+	QVBoxLayout * left_layout = new QVBoxLayout();
+	left_layout->addLayout(search_layout, 0);
+	left_layout->addWidget(list_, 1);
+	QHBoxLayout * main_layout = new QHBoxLayout(this);
+	main_layout->addLayout(left_layout, 0);
+	main_layout->addWidget(stack_, 1);
@@ -132,22 +173,156 @@
 			     QTreeWidgetItem * previous)
 	// do nothing when clicked on whitespace (item=NULL)
-	if( !item )
+	if (!item)
 	// if we have a category, expand the tree and go to the
-	// first item
+	// first enabled item
 	if (item->childCount() > 0) {
-		if (previous && previous->parent() != item)
-			switchPanel( item->child(0), previous );
+		if (previous && previous->parent() != item) {
+			// Looks for a child not disabled
+			for (int i = 0; i < item->childCount(); ++i) {
+				if (item->child(i)->flags() & Qt::ItemIsEnabled) {
+					switchPanel(item->child(i), previous);
+					break;
+				}
+			}
+		}
 	else if (QWidget * w = widget_map_.value(item, 0)) {
+bool matches(QString const & input, QString const & search)
+	QString text = input;
+	// Check if the input contains the search string
+	return text.remove('&').contains(search, Qt::CaseInsensitive);
+void setTreeItemStatus(QTreeWidgetItem * tree_item, bool enabled)
+	// Enable/disable the item
+	tree_item->setDisabled(!enabled);
+	// Change the color from black to gray or viceversa
+	QPalette::ColorGroup new_color = enabled ? QPalette::Active : QPalette::Disabled;
+	tree_item->setTextColor(0, QApplication::palette().color(new_color, QPalette::Text));
+void PanelStack::hideEvent(QHideEvent * event)
+	QWidget::hideEvent(event);
+	// Programatically hidden (not simply minimized by the user)
+	if (!event->spontaneous()) {
+		resetSearch();
+	}
+void PanelStack::resetSearch()
+	search_->setText(QString());
+	search();
+void PanelStack::filterChanged(QString const & /*search*/)
+	// The text in the search box is changed, reset the timer
+	// and then search in the widgets
+	delay_search_->start(300);
+void PanelStack::search()
+	QString search = search_->text();
+	bool enable_all = search.isEmpty();
+	// If the search string is empty we enable all the items
+	// otherwise we disable everything and then selectively
+	// re-enable matching items
+	foreach (QTreeWidgetItem * tree_item, panel_map_) {
+		setTreeItemStatus(tree_item, enable_all);
+	}
+	foreach (QTreeWidgetItem * tree_item, panel_map_) {
+		// Current widget
+		QWidget * pane_widget = widget_map_[tree_item];
+		// First of all we look in the pane name
+		bool pane_matches = tree_item->text(0).contains(search, Qt::CaseInsensitive);
+		// If the tree item has an associated pane
+		if (pane_widget) {
+			// Loops on the list of children widgets (recursive)
+			QWidgetList children = pane_widget->findChildren<QWidget *>();
+			foreach (QWidget * child_widget, children) {
+				bool widget_matches = false;
+				// Try to cast to the most common widgets and looks in it's content
+				// It's bad OOP, it would be nice to have a QWidget::toString() overloaded by
+				// each widget, but this would require to change Qt or subclass each widget.
+				// Note that we have to ignore the amperstand symbol
+				if (QAbstractButton * button = qobject_cast<QAbstractButton *>(child_widget)) {
+					widget_matches = matches(button->text(), search);
+				} else if (QGroupBox * group_box = qobject_cast<QGroupBox *>(child_widget)) {
+					widget_matches = matches(group_box->title(), search);
+				} else if (QLabel * label = qobject_cast<QLabel *>(child_widget)) {
+					widget_matches = matches(label->text(), search);
+				} else if (QLineEdit * line_edit = qobject_cast<QLineEdit *>(child_widget)) {
+					widget_matches = matches(line_edit->text(), search);
+				} else if (QListWidget * list_widget = qobject_cast<QListWidget *>(child_widget)) {
+					widget_matches = (list_widget->findItems(search, Qt::MatchContains)).count() > 0;
+				} else if (QTreeWidget * tree_view = qobject_cast<QTreeWidget *>(child_widget)) {
+					widget_matches = (tree_view->findItems(search, Qt::MatchContains)).count() > 0;
+				} else if (QComboBox * combo_box = qobject_cast<QComboBox *>(child_widget)) {
+					widget_matches = (combo_box->findText(search, Qt::MatchContains)) != -1;
+				} else {
+					continue;
+				}
+				// If this widget meets the search criteria
+				if (widget_matches && !enable_all) {
+					// The pane too meets the search criteria
+					pane_matches = true;
+					// Highlight the widget
+					QPalette widget_palette = child_widget->palette();
+					widget_palette.setColor(child_widget->foregroundRole(), Qt::red);
+					child_widget->setPalette(widget_palette);
+				} else {
+					// Reset the color of the widget
+					child_widget->setPalette(QApplication::palette(child_widget));
+				}
+			}
+			// If the pane meets the search criteria
+			if (pane_matches && !enable_all) {
+				// Expand and enable the pane and his ancestors	(typically just the parent)
+				QTreeWidgetItem * item = tree_item;
+				do {
+					item->setExpanded(true);
+					setTreeItemStatus(item, true);
+					item = item->parent();
+				} while (item);
+			}
+		}
+	}
 void PanelStack::itemSelected(QTreeWidgetItem * item, int)
 	// de-select the category if a child is selected
Index: src/frontends/qt4/Makefile.am
--- src/frontends/qt4/Makefile.am	(revisione 38779)
+++ src/frontends/qt4/Makefile.am	(copia locale)
@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@
 	ColorCache.cpp \
 	CustomizedWidgets.cpp \
 	EmptyTable.cpp \
+	FancyLineEdit.cpp \
 	FileDialog.cpp \
 	FindAndReplace.cpp \
 	FloatPlacement.cpp \
@@ -173,6 +174,7 @@
 	BulletsModule.h \
 	CustomizedWidgets.h \
 	EmptyTable.h \
+	FancyLineEdit.h \
 	FindAndReplace.h \
 	FloatPlacement.h \
 	GuiAbout.h \
Index: src/frontends/qt4/FancyLineEdit.cpp
--- src/frontends/qt4/FancyLineEdit.cpp	(revisione 0)
+++ src/frontends/qt4/FancyLineEdit.cpp	(revisione 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
+ * \file fancylineedit.cpp
+ * This file is part of LyX, the document processor.
+ * Licence details can be found in the file COPYING.
+ *
+ * \author Nokia Corporation (qt-i...@nokia.com)
+ *
+ * Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS.
+ *
+ */
+// Code taken from the Qt Creator project and customized a little
+#include "FancyLineEdit.h"
+#include <QtCore/QEvent>
+#include <QtCore/QDebug>
+#include <QtCore/QString>
+#include <QtCore/QPropertyAnimation>
+#include <QtGui/QApplication>
+#include <QtGui/QMenu>
+#include <QtGui/QMouseEvent>
+#include <QtGui/QLabel>
+#include <QtGui/QAbstractButton>
+#include <QtGui/QPainter>
+#include <QtGui/QStyle>
+#include <QtGui/QPaintEvent>
+enum { margin = 6 };
+#define FADE_TIME 160
+namespace lyx {
+namespace frontend {
+// --------- FancyLineEditPrivate
+class FancyLineEditPrivate : public QObject {
+    explicit FancyLineEditPrivate(FancyLineEdit *parent);
+    virtual bool eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *event);
+    FancyLineEdit  *m_lineEdit;
+    QPixmap m_pixmap[2];
+    QMenu *m_menu[2];
+    bool m_menuTabFocusTrigger[2];
+    IconButton *m_iconbutton[2];
+    bool m_iconEnabled[2];
+FancyLineEditPrivate::FancyLineEditPrivate(FancyLineEdit *parent) :
+    QObject(parent),
+    m_lineEdit(parent)
+    for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
+        m_menu[i] = 0;
+        m_menuTabFocusTrigger[i] = false;
+        m_iconbutton[i] = new IconButton(parent);
+        m_iconbutton[i]->installEventFilter(this);
+        m_iconbutton[i]->hide();
+        m_iconbutton[i]->setAutoHide(false);
+        m_iconEnabled[i] = false;
+    }
+bool FancyLineEditPrivate::eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *event)
+    int buttonIndex = -1;
+    for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
+        if (obj == m_iconbutton[i]) {
+            buttonIndex = i;
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    if (buttonIndex == -1)
+        return QObject::eventFilter(obj, event);
+    switch (event->type()) {
+    case QEvent::FocusIn:
+        if (m_menuTabFocusTrigger[buttonIndex] && m_menu[buttonIndex]) {
+            m_lineEdit->setFocus();
+            m_menu[buttonIndex]->exec(m_iconbutton[buttonIndex]->mapToGlobal(
+                    m_iconbutton[buttonIndex]->rect().center()));
+            return true;
+        }
+    default:
+        break;
+    }
+    return QObject::eventFilter(obj, event);
+// --------- FancyLineEdit
+FancyLineEdit::FancyLineEdit(QWidget *parent) :
+    QLineEdit(parent),
+    m_d(new FancyLineEditPrivate(this))
+    ensurePolished();
+    updateMargins();
+    connect(this, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(checkButtons(QString)));
+    connect(m_d->m_iconbutton[Left], SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(iconClicked()));
+    connect(m_d->m_iconbutton[Right], SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(iconClicked()));
+void FancyLineEdit::checkButtons(const QString &text)
+    if (m_oldText.isEmpty() || text.isEmpty()) {
+        for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
+            if (m_d->m_iconbutton[i]->hasAutoHide())
+                m_d->m_iconbutton[i]->animateShow(!text.isEmpty());
+        }
+        m_oldText = text;
+    }
+void FancyLineEdit::setButtonVisible(Side side, bool visible)
+    m_d->m_iconbutton[side]->setVisible(visible);
+    m_d->m_iconEnabled[side] = visible;
+    updateMargins();
+bool FancyLineEdit::isButtonVisible(Side side) const
+    return m_d->m_iconEnabled[side];
+void FancyLineEdit::iconClicked()
+    IconButton *button = qobject_cast<IconButton *>(sender());
+    int index = -1;
+    for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
+        if (m_d->m_iconbutton[i] == button)
+            index = i;
+    if (index == -1)
+        return;
+    if (m_d->m_menu[index]) {
+        m_d->m_menu[index]->exec(QCursor::pos());
+    } else {
+		buttonClicked((Side)index);
+        if (index == Left)
+			leftButtonClicked();
+        else if (index == Right)
+			rightButtonClicked();
+    }
+void FancyLineEdit::updateMargins()
+    bool leftToRight = (layoutDirection() == Qt::LeftToRight);
+    Side realLeft = (leftToRight ? Left : Right);
+    Side realRight = (leftToRight ? Right : Left);
+    int leftMargin = m_d->m_iconbutton[realLeft]->pixmap().width() + 8;
+    int rightMargin = m_d->m_iconbutton[realRight]->pixmap().width() + 8;
+    // Note KDE does not reserve space for the highlight color
+    if (style()->inherits("OxygenStyle")) {
+        leftMargin = qMax(24, leftMargin);
+        rightMargin = qMax(24, rightMargin);
+    }
+    QMargins margins((m_d->m_iconEnabled[realLeft] ? leftMargin : 0), 0,
+                     (m_d->m_iconEnabled[realRight] ? rightMargin : 0), 0);
+    setTextMargins(margins);
+void FancyLineEdit::updateButtonPositions()
+    QRect contentRect = rect();
+    for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
+        Side iconpos = (Side)i;
+        if (layoutDirection() == Qt::RightToLeft)
+            iconpos = (iconpos == Left ? Right : Left);
+        if (iconpos == FancyLineEdit::Right) {
+            const int iconoffset = textMargins().right() + 4;
+            m_d->m_iconbutton[i]->setGeometry(contentRect.adjusted(width() - iconoffset, 0, 0, 0));
+        } else {
+            const int iconoffset = textMargins().left() + 4;
+            m_d->m_iconbutton[i]->setGeometry(contentRect.adjusted(0, 0, -width() + iconoffset, 0));
+        }
+    }
+void FancyLineEdit::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *)
+    updateButtonPositions();
+void FancyLineEdit::setButtonPixmap(Side side, const QPixmap &buttonPixmap)
+    m_d->m_iconbutton[side]->setPixmap(buttonPixmap);
+    updateMargins();
+    updateButtonPositions();
+    update();
+QPixmap FancyLineEdit::buttonPixmap(Side side) const
+    return m_d->m_pixmap[side];
+void FancyLineEdit::setButtonMenu(Side side, QMenu *buttonMenu)
+     m_d->m_menu[side] = buttonMenu;
+     m_d->m_iconbutton[side]->setIconOpacity(1.0);
+ }
+QMenu *FancyLineEdit::buttonMenu(Side side) const
+    return  m_d->m_menu[side];
+bool FancyLineEdit::hasMenuTabFocusTrigger(Side side) const
+    return m_d->m_menuTabFocusTrigger[side];
+void FancyLineEdit::setMenuTabFocusTrigger(Side side, bool v)
+    if (m_d->m_menuTabFocusTrigger[side] == v)
+        return;
+    m_d->m_menuTabFocusTrigger[side] = v;
+    m_d->m_iconbutton[side]->setFocusPolicy(v ? Qt::TabFocus : Qt::NoFocus);
+bool FancyLineEdit::hasAutoHideButton(Side side) const
+    return m_d->m_iconbutton[side]->hasAutoHide();
+void FancyLineEdit::setAutoHideButton(Side side, bool h)
+    m_d->m_iconbutton[side]->setAutoHide(h);
+    if (h)
+        m_d->m_iconbutton[side]->setIconOpacity(text().isEmpty() ?  0.0 : 1.0);
+    else
+        m_d->m_iconbutton[side]->setIconOpacity(1.0);
+void FancyLineEdit::setButtonToolTip(Side side, const QString &tip)
+    m_d->m_iconbutton[side]->setToolTip(tip);
+void FancyLineEdit::setButtonFocusPolicy(Side side, Qt::FocusPolicy policy)
+    m_d->m_iconbutton[side]->setFocusPolicy(policy);
+// IconButton - helper class to represent a clickable icon
+IconButton::IconButton(QWidget *parent)
+    : QAbstractButton(parent), m_autoHide(false)
+    setCursor(Qt::ArrowCursor);
+    setFocusPolicy(Qt::NoFocus);
+void IconButton::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *)
+    QPainter painter(this);
+    // Note isDown should really use the active state but in most styles
+    // this has no proper feedback
+    QIcon::Mode state = QIcon::Disabled;
+    if (isEnabled())
+        state = isDown() ? QIcon::Selected : QIcon::Normal;
+    QRect pixmapRect = QRect(0, 0, m_pixmap.width(), m_pixmap.height());
+    pixmapRect.moveCenter(rect().center());
+    if (m_autoHide)
+        painter.setOpacity(m_iconOpacity);
+    painter.drawPixmap(pixmapRect, m_pixmap);
+void IconButton::animateShow(bool visible)
+    if (visible) {
+        QPropertyAnimation *animation = new QPropertyAnimation(this, "iconOpacity");
+        animation->setDuration(FADE_TIME);
+        animation->setEndValue(1.0);
+        animation->start(QAbstractAnimation::DeleteWhenStopped);
+    } else {
+        QPropertyAnimation *animation = new QPropertyAnimation(this, "iconOpacity");
+        animation->setDuration(FADE_TIME);
+        animation->setEndValue(0.0);
+        animation->start(QAbstractAnimation::DeleteWhenStopped);
+    }
+#include "moc_FancyLineEdit.cpp"
Index: src/frontends/qt4/FancyLineEdit.h
--- src/frontends/qt4/FancyLineEdit.h	(revisione 0)
+++ src/frontends/qt4/FancyLineEdit.h	(revisione 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+ * \file fancylineedit.h
+ * This file is part of LyX, the document processor.
+ * Licence details can be found in the file COPYING.
+ *
+ * \author Nokia Corporation (qt-i...@nokia.com)
+ *
+ * Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS.
+ *
+ */
+// Code taken from the Qt Creator project and customized a little
+#include <QtGui/QLineEdit>
+#include <QtGui/QAbstractButton>
+namespace lyx {
+namespace frontend {
+class FancyLineEditPrivate;
+class IconButton: public QAbstractButton
+	Q_PROPERTY(float iconOpacity READ iconOpacity WRITE setIconOpacity)
+	Q_PROPERTY(bool autoHide READ hasAutoHide WRITE setAutoHide)
+	Q_PROPERTY(QPixmap pixmap READ pixmap WRITE setPixmap)
+    explicit IconButton(QWidget *parent = 0);
+    void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event);
+    void setPixmap(const QPixmap &pixmap) { m_pixmap = pixmap; update(); }
+    QPixmap pixmap() const { return m_pixmap; }
+    float iconOpacity() { return m_iconOpacity; }
+    void setIconOpacity(float value) { m_iconOpacity = value; update(); }
+    void animateShow(bool visible);
+    void setAutoHide(bool hide) { m_autoHide = hide; }
+    bool hasAutoHide() const { return m_autoHide; }
+    float m_iconOpacity;
+    bool m_autoHide;
+    QPixmap m_pixmap;
+/* A line edit with an embedded pixmap on one side that is connected to
+ * a menu. Additionally, it can display a grayed hintText (like "Type Here to")
+ * when not focused and empty. When connecting to the changed signals and
+ * querying text, one has to be aware that the text is set to that hint
+ * text if isShowingHintText() returns true (that is, does not contain
+ * valid user input).
+ */
+class FancyLineEdit : public QLineEdit
+	Q_DISABLE_COPY(FancyLineEdit)
+	Q_ENUMS(Side)
+    enum Side {Left = 0, Right = 1};
+    explicit FancyLineEdit(QWidget *parent = 0);
+    ~FancyLineEdit();
+    QPixmap buttonPixmap(Side side) const;
+    void setButtonPixmap(Side side, const QPixmap &pixmap);
+    QMenu *buttonMenu(Side side) const;
+    void setButtonMenu(Side side, QMenu *menu);
+    void setButtonVisible(Side side, bool visible);
+    bool isButtonVisible(Side side) const;
+    void setButtonToolTip(Side side, const QString &);
+    void setButtonFocusPolicy(Side side, Qt::FocusPolicy policy);
+    // Set whether tabbing in will trigger the menu.
+    void setMenuTabFocusTrigger(Side side, bool v);
+    bool hasMenuTabFocusTrigger(Side side) const;
+    // Set if icon should be hidden when text is empty
+    void setAutoHideButton(Side side, bool h);
+    bool hasAutoHideButton(Side side) const;
+	void buttonClicked(Side side);
+    void leftButtonClicked();
+    void rightButtonClicked();
+private Q_SLOTS:
+    void checkButtons(const QString &);
+    void iconClicked();
+    virtual void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e);
+    void updateMargins();
+	void updateButtonPositions();
+    FancyLineEditPrivate *m_d;
+    QString m_oldText;
Index: src/frontends/qt4/PanelStack.h
--- src/frontends/qt4/PanelStack.h	(revisione 38779)
+++ src/frontends/qt4/PanelStack.h	(copia locale)
@@ -13,12 +13,19 @@
+#include "FancyLineEdit.h"
+#include <QHash>
+#include <QHideEvent>
+#include <QTimer>
 #include <QWidget>
-#include <QHash>
+class QAbstractButton;
+class QLineEdit;
+class QPushButton;
+class QStackedWidget;
 class QTreeWidget;
 class QTreeWidgetItem;
-class QStackedWidget;
 namespace lyx {
 namespace frontend {
@@ -46,11 +53,21 @@
 	QSize sizeHint() const;
 public Q_SLOTS:
+	/// the option filter changed
+	void filterChanged(QString const & search);
+	/// perform the search
+	void search();
+	/// reset the search box
+	void resetSearch();
 	/// set current panel from an item
 	void switchPanel(QTreeWidgetItem * it, QTreeWidgetItem * previous = 0);
 	/// click on the tree
 	void itemSelected(QTreeWidgetItem *, int);
+	/// widget hidden
+	void hideEvent(QHideEvent * event);
 	typedef QHash<QString, QTreeWidgetItem *> PanelMap;
@@ -61,11 +78,18 @@
 	WidgetMap widget_map_;
+	/// contains the search box
+	FancyLineEdit * search_;
 	/// contains the items
 	QTreeWidget * list_;
 	/// contains the panes
 	QStackedWidget * stack_;
+	// timer to delay the search between options
+	QTimer * delay_search_;
 } // namespace frontend

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