Am 14.06.2011 19:13, schrieb Richard Heck:

Is this a problem with current MiKTeX? Is there an older version that works?

When LyX 2.0.0 was released it worked, but shipping this version won't help as the first reconfiguration of MiKTeX will introduce the bug and we have to setup LyX for MiKTeX to get it to work properly.

I am happy to wait a
bit for this, but I'd prefer not to have to delay 2.0.1 until the MiKTeX people 
can get their act

We also have sometimes nasty bugs. For Windows we more or less rely on MiKTeX - at least for new installations.

This obviously needs to be fixed but isn't immediately pressing, since they 
wouldn't have compiled
before anyway.

I don't understand. That they are not compilable is for me a must fix. I mean a x.1 release implies that afterwards the basics are working properly. Shipping LyX files that don't compile with LyX is unacceptable in terms of quality.

But anyway, I would at least ask you to have a look at this crash bug:
Hopefully we can fix this for LyX 2.0.1


For today, I'm too tired to work further on the template and example files. I hope to finish this work tomorrow.

regards Uwe

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