Am 22.07.2011 23:52, schrieb Guenter Milde:

What is the replacement character used by Windows?

a square

If we use it in our manuals, then many people will be just unable to
view the manual!

What does "unable to view the manual" precisely mean?

I meant view it within LyX. As the Windows standard fonts cannot display the character, you will see a square instead within LyX. This might cause confusions because in the PDF output it is correct.

Yes, that is why I'm using TeX code in the manual (e.g. the Math manual).

If the "QT-auto-replacement" I see on my system works everywhere, maybe
suggesting to install DejaVu with the Windows-Installer might be a more
generic solution (for many many more missing Unicode characters)?

Good point, I'll put it on my todo list.

regards Uwe

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