Angus Leeming <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Well, in general, it is impossible to be backward compatible always.
> By this I mean that changes to the file format cannot possibly be
> backward compatible. 

Yes, I understand that. And I am the last person to complain about a
change to the better, even if it breaks backwards compatibility (Well
ok, I *did* complain...). I was just puzzled by the fact that this is
really the first file format problem ever that I came across, so I
thought it might be a bug.

> There have not been many of these file format changes, however, so
> you've been lucky. Note, however, that lyx may move very soon to an
> xml file format. 

Yes, that makes sense (though having real latex as a file format would
suit me even more, but I guess you have discussed that quite a lot). 

> It will be possible to write a conversion script back to the old
> format, but that'll be the best we can do, I suspect.

That's ok. If it is documented somewhere. 

Just the one thing about Word 97 (8): remember the file format was
incompatible with Word 6 or 7? Some people really got mad about it,
because it was really difficult to interoperate. Later Microsoft did
provide export and import of the other format, but the PR damage was
already done.

                    Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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