On Sat, Oct 22, 2011 at 5:53 PM, Peter Kümmel <syntheti...@gmx.net> wrote:
>>> Check if it exisits: find . -name moc_\* | xargs grep IconButton
>>> This should find it in './src/frontends/qt4/moc_FancyLineEdit.cpp'
>> I followed instructions and got the same error as above.
>> Grepping for IconButton, as suggested, does not find anything. That
>> is, the file  moc_FancyLineEdit.cpp
>> is where it should, but it does not contain any ref to IconButton
> Strange, I only could remember the same error when my disk was full.
> Is the file empty or does it only miss the refs to IconButton?


if you mean the file moc_FancyLineEdit.cpp, then it is certainly not
empty. But there are no references to IconButton in it.
I am appending the whole file below, just in case.


** Meta object code from reading C++ file 'FancyLineEdit.h'
** Created: Sat Oct 22 09:06:27 2011
**      by: The Qt Meta Object Compiler version 62 (Qt 4.7.4)
** WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost!

#include "../../../../trunk/src/frontends/qt4/FancyLineEdit.h"
#error "The header file 'FancyLineEdit.h' doesn't include <QObject>."
#error "This file was generated using the moc from 4.7.4. It"
#error "cannot be used with the include files from this version of Qt."
#error "(The moc has changed too much.)"

static const uint qt_meta_data_lyx__frontend__FancyLineEdit[] = {

 // content:
       5,       // revision
       0,       // classname
       0,    0, // classinfo
       3,   14, // methods
       0,    0, // properties
       1,   29, // enums/sets
       0,    0, // constructors
       0,       // flags
       3,       // signalCount

 // signals: signature, parameters, type, tag, flags
      35,   30,   29,   29, 0x05,
      55,   29,   29,   29, 0x05,
      75,   29,   29,   29, 0x05,

 // enums: name, flags, count, data
      96, 0x0,    2,   33,

 // enum data: key, value
     101, uint(lyx::frontend::FancyLineEdit::Left),
     106, uint(lyx::frontend::FancyLineEdit::Right),

       0        // eod

static const char qt_meta_stringdata_lyx__frontend__FancyLineEdit[] = {

const QMetaObject lyx::frontend::FancyLineEdit::staticMetaObject = {
    { &QLineEdit::staticMetaObject,
      qt_meta_data_lyx__frontend__FancyLineEdit, 0 }

const QMetaObject &lyx::frontend::FancyLineEdit::getStaticMetaObject()
{ return staticMetaObject; }

const QMetaObject *lyx::frontend::FancyLineEdit::metaObject() const
    return QObject::d_ptr->metaObject ? QObject::d_ptr->metaObject :

void *lyx::frontend::FancyLineEdit::qt_metacast(const char *_clname)
    if (!_clname) return 0;
    if (!strcmp(_clname, qt_meta_stringdata_lyx__frontend__FancyLineEdit))
        return static_cast<void*>(const_cast< FancyLineEdit*>(this));
    return QLineEdit::qt_metacast(_clname);

int lyx::frontend::FancyLineEdit::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call _c,
int _id, void **_a)
    _id = QLineEdit::qt_metacall(_c, _id, _a);
    if (_id < 0)
        return _id;
    if (_c == QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod) {
        switch (_id) {
        case 0: buttonClicked((*reinterpret_cast< Side(*)>(_a[1]))); break;
        case 1: leftButtonClicked(); break;
        case 2: rightButtonClicked(); break;
        default: ;
        _id -= 3;
    return _id;

void lyx::frontend::FancyLineEdit::buttonClicked(Side _t1)
    void *_a[] = { 0, const_cast<void*>(reinterpret_cast<const void*>(&_t1)) };
    QMetaObject::activate(this, &staticMetaObject, 0, _a);

void lyx::frontend::FancyLineEdit::leftButtonClicked()
    QMetaObject::activate(this, &staticMetaObject, 1, 0);

void lyx::frontend::FancyLineEdit::rightButtonClicked()
    QMetaObject::activate(this, &staticMetaObject, 2, 0);

Stefano Franchi
Associate Research Professor
Department of Hispanic Studies            Ph:   +1 (979) 845-2125
Texas A&M University                          Fax:  +1 (979) 845-6421
College Station, Texas, USA

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