It seems the change was done in order to fix:

possible solution which will enbale to toggle languages and keep the bug

If we can disable switching into corrent language, we can use

command-alternatives language hebrew; language english

Which will switch the the "other" language.

(if I understood correctly the manual, I assume one can check waht is the
current language and then "if (*lang == *cur_lang)  {enable  = false;
break;}   "  will do the work)

On Fri, Apr 27, 2012 at 5:49 PM, Ronen Abravanel <> wrote:

> Good morning,
> I'm using LyX for quite a while for writing bi-lingual documents, in both
> Hebrew and English. In order to write such documents, I define one language
> in documents->settings, and then, created a key-binding to "language
> hebrew" [or, "language english"], and then invoke the shortcut in order to
> toggle between the two language.
> Since LyX 2.02, that was change: invoking "language <language-name>" dose
> not toggle between languages, but switch into the specified language. The
> change made the the usage of LyX for writing bi-lingual documents very
> tiresome.
> The code change is very simple:
> int
> src/Text3.cpp, Line 1924 (SVN version)
>         toggleAndShow(cur, this, font, false);
> should be change to
>         toggleAndShow(cur, this, font, true); //true is the default
> argument, so it can as well be left blank
> The change was mad in:
> But it it so simple, I can only assume that this behavior was deliberated.
> If so, please, reconsider.
> Thanks,
> Ronen Abravanel

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