On 05/08/2012 11:38 AM, John Tapsell wrote:

   Could you please advise on the following features before I make bug
reports for them, and check whether they are already doable please?

   I will sponsor $50 towards any of the features that I listed,
possibly $100 for the more involved features.

1. Have the file->import filters work for snippets - so that we can
run the filters on clipboard data.  E.g. imagine being able to copy
from a webpage as html or a table from Excel and paste straight into

This is probably not that hard. It'd be very useful, too, with pasting
of LaTeX snippets.

2. When pasting into a table, automatically add new rows and columns
as needed.  Currently you have to make sure that you create the table
with exactly the right number of rows and columns.

This sounds like a definite bug.

4. Have a way to collapse longtables in the same way that you can
collapse floats, just to hide them from the GUI.

There's an easy trick for this kind of thing: Put the longtable in a
branch. You can do this with anything you want to collapse, since
branches don't actually add anything LaTeX-wise in 2.0.x. (In 2.1.x,
they will, if you want them to do so.)

Do I get the $50? ;-)

5. Improve the "preview" for citations in the format Author (year).
Currently the preview doesn't match what you'll actually get at all.

How so? I see things like: Alston (1989).

6. Add a GUI way to change the natnib citation style from square
brackets to round brackets.  ( this seems to be a bug - see:
http://www.mail-archive.com/lyx-devel@lists.lyx.org/msg154523.html ).
Even better would be to add a GUI for all 6 of the \bibpunct

I've done work on this. There'll probably be some form of it in 2.1.x,
but there are larger issues. What we'd really like is a general way of
doing this kind of thing, that didn't distinguish natbib from jurabib from
BibLaTeX, for which we want support in 2.1.x, too.

7. Auto-reload when the bibliography .bib file is updated.

Already fixed in 2.0.3, I think. Definitely will be in 2.0.4.

Add ability to add/edit citations from the Insert->Citation gui.  This
could be as simple as loading the bib file in the default external
editor etc.

Something like this is a reasonable idea. I'm not sure about doing it
from the GUI, but maybe from the context menu on a citation inset.
Note that you can already do it from the citation menu on the
bibliography inset.


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