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On 14/06/12 09:14, Benjamin Piwowarski wrote:
> I guess what I was proposing on the mailing list earlier corresponds to this 
> "bi-directional 
> communication" between a bibliography manager and LyX: two LyX functions (to 
> retrieve and store
> a BibTeX record), that would automatically find the appropriate BibTeX 
> database and update it.

I would oppose the idea of editing the original bib file from LyX - that one is 
the domain of the
bibliography manager (JabRef, mendeley, ...) and I would not go there, as e.g. 
mendeley does only
export to the bib file, and not re-import changes. So this could eb a step 
towards unwanted

If you are referring to editing a *local* bib file of LyX, which contains all 
added references and
is the bib file used by LaTeX when compiling, then this is OK, as it does *not 
touch* the original
.bib file.

> The main difficulty is to define how to store the entries - i.e. whether it 
> is better to embed
> it into LyX;
> Embedding would be:

I guess you are referring to my earlier post:

Embedding in the LyX file or embedding in the LaTeX file? these are two 
completely different
approaches, as embedding in the LyX file would mean that when opening the LyX 
file, the embedded
.bib file(s) is (are) extracted to the tmp direcrory and available as .bib for 

> Pros: - Easy to maintain since we can store separately the entries - No 
> concurrent access to
> the BibTeX entries - No need to handle external BibTeX files (errors, etc.)
> Cons: - cannot be edited easily with a BibTeX editor -

Assuming embeding in LyX: one could edit theone in the tmp directory, which 
would then be updated
when saving.

> in case of sectioning (bibtopic), we need to define multiple embedded 
> databases -

Should't be a problem in the LyX file.

> introduces an incompatibility in file format with previous LyX versions

Not necessarily - I think one could deal with this.



> Benjamin
> On Jun 13, 2012, at 15:15 , Jack Tanner wrote:R
>> So long as we're talking about bibliography workflow: could LyX integrate 
>> better with
>> Zotero?
>> Zotero is historically a Firefox add-on that has expanded to other 
>> platforms. It can collect 
>> references, files that go with those references, and it can plug in to Word 
>> and other word 
>> processors to manage citations in a document.
>> With LyX, the best Zotero integration today is via the LyZ Firefox add-on. 
>> You can select a 
>> reference in Zotero, and then click on "send to LyX". LyZ will place the 
>> reference in a bib 
>> file and send it to LyX via pipe. But what if you change the reference in 
>> Zotero that is 
>> already in the bib file? Then LyZ needs to find it in the bib file, which is 
>> not robust. And
>> if you edit the bib file manually, then a later export from Zotero will 
>> overwrite your
>> changes. Also, Zotero may use a different encoding than the bib file, so 
>> non-ASCII characters
>> may be broken. You can escape characters in Zotero for LaTeX with {}, but 
>> that breaks
>> citations of those words in other word processors.
>> What would be useful is bi-directional communication between LyX and Zotero 
>> so that
>> references can be changed on either end and so that there's no intermediate 
>> bib format.
>> Zotero has plug-ins for Word and LibreOffice. Perhaps LyX could have an API 
>> that is similar
>> to what these plug-ins require, and the Zotero folks could be convinced to 
>> extend their
>> plug-ins to cover LyX. Some more info 
>> http://www.zotero.org/support/word_processor_plugin_installation_for_zotero_2.1
> -- Benjamin Piwowarski LIP6/CNRS, University Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC) 
> case 169 – 4, Place
> de Jussieu – 75252 Paris cedex 05 – France benja...@bpiwowar.net 
> http://www.bpiwowar.net/

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