1. you are right. one can do that, and it would be a nice workaround. But I
prefer lyx will  produce clean TeX file.
2. Attached some examples:
the text in the *xetex and *pdf files are identical. in the pdf, you can
see that the braces are rendered backword, and also if you will open the
.tex file in unicode-enables editor.

note: I cheated a little. In my work-computer I have lyx 2.1 development
version, and the xetex file compiled straight forward. In my lyx 2.03 in my
laptop, I had to move one line in the preamble.


On Fri, Jul 13, 2012 at 11:00 AM, Guenter Milde <mi...@users.sf.net> wrote:

> On 2012-07-12, Ronen Abravanel wrote:
> > as the Hebrew support of LaTeX is not developed for the last several
> > years, I decided to try and export Hebrew document to PDF using XeTeX,
> Are there problems that did not get solved for years, or is there no
> development because it "just works"?
> > where the grate Bidi packge by Vafa Khalighi is under active
> > development, and merged in polyglossia.
> > LyX 2.0 support XeTeX support, but there are some slight problem:
> > 1. when exporting to regular latex, one should wrap "english" text  (like
> > numbers, math, etc..)  inside Hebrew parts by \L{.,, }.
> Do you do this with raw LaTeX (ERT) or is there an inset for the task
> (should be easy to write one if its not already there).
> > not true in XeTeX. Attached an ugly patch that removes such \L, but:
> > a. it's pretty ugly. I'm sure there is better way to do it. I will be
> happy
> > for suggestions about ways to improve it.
> For documents that shall work in both, pdflatex and xelatex, it might be
> best to have a dummy definition like
>   \ifxetex
>      \providecommand*{\L}[1]{#1}
>   \fi
> either in the documents LaTeX preamble or in the module defining the text
> inset).
> ...
> > 2. LyX making some problems with the braces { } ( ) etc in Right-to-left
> > parts:
> > When one writes Right-to-left text that should look like
> > (1) text ( inside braces ) more text
> > it outputs as
> > (2) text ) inside braces ( more text
> > or, to be more accurate,
> > עברית ( עוד טקסט this part is INSIDE  עוד טקסט ) בחוץ this part is
> outside
> > .  בחוץ
> > Will be output as
> > עברית ) עוד טקסט this part is INSIDE  עוד טקסט ( בחוץ this part is
> outside
> > . בחוץ
> > It all looks OK when rendering using pdflatex, but using XeTeX, it
> appears
> > wrong.
> > I couldn't find the part in LyX that handle that part. I will be happy
> for
> > directions regarding where to look.
> I don't know a solution for this part. It looks like the two engines do
> not agree on whether ( and ) are "opening" vs. "closing" or "right" vs.
> "left" parantheses.
> You may try to create a minimal *.tex exampe file that works with XeTeX
> and import this to LyX or try to recreate the correct syntax in LyX
> (comparing the View>Source output with the correct XeTeX source).
> Günter

Attachment: brace_example_pdflatex.lyx
Description: Binary data

Attachment: brace_example_pdflatex.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Attachment: brace_example_xetex.lyx
Description: Binary data

Attachment: brace_example_xetex.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Attachment: brace_example_xetex.tex
Description: TeX document

Attachment: brace_example_pdflatex.tex
Description: TeX document

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