On Fri, Feb 22, 2013 at 5:08 AM, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
<lasgout...@lyx.org> wrote:
> Le 20/02/2013 06:23, Scott Kostyshak a écrit :
>> I think I am close to correctly fixing #8543, where search finds the
>> same word twice when switching directions.
>> See the patch here:
>> http://www.lyx.org/trac/attachment/ticket/8543/0001-This-patch-flips-the-cursor-but-sel-is-lost.patch
> What about the following straightforward approach to the problem?

Your patch is 100x better than what I was proposing. It is much
cleaner and it also fixes the problem at its source which means that
the LFUNs exhibit the same behavior as GuiSearch (this was not the
case for my patch). It is also better because the cursor doesn't
visually move, from the user perspective. I could imagine someone
being confused as to why the cursor is moving around when they toggle
the box "search backwards". Not to mention, 4 lines versus 40 lines.

Thanks for looking into this,


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