On Tue, 2013-03-12 at 07:13 +0000, LyX Ticket Tracker wrote:
>  I was unable to process this file in order to get it into 2.1.
>  - There is no change tracking on to accept changes.
>  - Full scale comparison between 2.1 manual does not work due to bug #6889
>  so one can't reliabble see which section will be deleted in 2.1 in case we
>  just replace 2.1 additional manual by this file.
>  - I'm bombed by messages about missing lilypond class -> anything related
>  to lilypond should be in lilypond manual not here.
>  Do you have version of this manual with CT on?

Sorry no. When I got about a third of the way through the changes I got
a message from TeX saying that I had exceeded the limit for changes. So
I had to turn off changes in order to proceed.

At the time, I did not have a clear idea of where the changes I was
making were leading; so I did not want to submit anything until I had a
clear overall picture of where what I was doing was leading.

Not being fully familiar with git, I was assuming that it would be
possible to backport the changes in git that had been added since I
started and then force git to accept a completely new file to replace
the existing one.

If there is no way of doing this, then, when I have time, I could go
back with the knowledge of where I want to go and submit a series of
incremental changes. But I wouldn't have the time to do that for a few


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