Hello Jean,

Jean-Marc Lasgouttes <lasgouttes <at> lyx.org> writes:

> > If we are going to implement the buttons, I think we need to indent a slight
> > amount horizontally for one click? Is that the same idea that had in your
> > mind? If the click on this button, shows us the end (edge) of the object,
> > that would not be useful, as the user can be able to access each and every
> > point of the too wide object. My suggestion is indent/slide 50% from the
> > width of the screen per a click.
> Or we could play with something that slide as long as the mouse is 
> pressed (maybe with some accelleration abnd nice physics effects if we 
> feel like it).

Superb! It is a really good idea.

> I think implementing the mechanism for moving the rows when cursor moves 
> is the first thing to do, as this requires no UI. The toolbar/button 
> will just have to hook on this code.

Thank you for the advice. 

I also thought before implement moving for several rows, we should start
with a single row. You have mentioned that 'move the row when the cursor
moves'. What I understood was, first we are going to try to move a row. But
did you meant that the row movements are going to be triggered according to
the cursor movements? 
Or did you meant to move the row where the cursor is at the moment, by click
on a button added to the toolbar?
If it is also not the idea you gave me, I really did not get your saying,
"The toolbar/button will just have to hook on this code." Sorry for that.
Could you please explain it to me?

I will search more about this get back to you after a day. 

> >> I suspect that this problem can be solved very easily (I mean in terms
> >> of number of lines of code to change, not in time needed to find the
> >> right place :). The idea is that an element of an inset should not have
> >> a width larger than the screen just because on element of the inset is
> >> overly large.
> >
> > I tried this. Is the 'legend' mentioned here is a label? Sorry, as I am
> > still not familiar with the terms. What I did was, inserted a Label to the
> > same float. As mentioned in the link you have given, a label with too long
> > text is not fully visible and we cannot make it visible but using the mouse
> > even. But this happens  all the time, not only when Label exists in a float.
> > Even when a label is inserted to the normal working area this problem
> I tried to create an example file (attached) and saw that this problem 
> is already solved (try it). Unless someone can tell me what the problem is?

Thank you very much for the file. I think I have mistaken what a table
legend is. I have thought about a label instead. According to your file, the
problems stated in the comment seems to be already solved. 
As I mentioned the label issue is still there as same as with the tables and
the equations. Here is the same file which shows the label effect (Added
another float below the one you have added):
(I do not know the standard way to share files within the mailing list. If I
have done anything inappropriate please help me to correct that)

Thank you

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