
Scott Kostyshak <skost...@lyx.org> was interested in unit tests.
For me working with unit tests is the most simple way to fix a bug,
as I only need to focus on the iussue, without running the rest of
the system.

As a proof of concept I testet the googletest framework today.
It is controlled by cmake. I think my little test is self-explanatory.

Simple clone it from github. Four lines on the shell:

git clone https://github.com/t3elmar/Playground.Cpp.git
cd Playground.Cpp/GettingStartedWithGTest/2.directoryLayout/
chmod +x HOWTO.sh



Elmar Hinz
Freiherr-vom-Stein-Str. 1
33014 Bad Driburg

TYPO3 community contact: t.3.e.l.m.a...@.g.m.a.i.l.dot.c.o.m
personal contact: e.l.m.a.r.dot.h.i.n...@.g.m.a.i.l.dot.c.o.m

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