Vincent van Ravesteijn wrote:

>> Thanks Vincent, I no longer get a crash. I still have the following
>> issues (let me know if I should open up tickets):
> I'm not too enthusiastic about opening tickets just because code has
> been committed which hasn't been tested beforehand.

It has been tested, although I admit that I did not test it with all doc 
files (and it is not my fault that I did not see a windows-only crash on 

>>> - When selecting all and copying UserGuide.lyx, I get the dialogs
>>> mentioned before.

This is known. I asked whether these branches should just be created, but 
got no reply so far. If the answer is yes, this problem is easy to fix.

>>> - When selecting all and copying Addional.lyx, I get the following
>>> message: "LyX does not know how to include non-LyX files when generating
>>> HTML output. Offending file:
>>> SpecialParagraphShape.tex"

This is a message box. I wonder why it is generated at all? Insets that do 
not support plain text export simply output something like [include]. I do not see the difference to HTML here: If a message box is 
needed, it should be used in both cases.

>>> - When selecting all and copying EmbeddedObjects.lyx, I get the
>>> following errors:
>>> File '/tmp/lyx_tmpdir.n11551/DummyTextDocument.txt' is not readable!
>>> support/FileName.cpp (732): File
>>> '/tmp/lyx_tmpdir.n11551/DummyTextDocument.txt' is not readable!
>>> support/FileName.cpp (732): File
>>> '/tmp/lyx_tmpdir.n11551/EmbeddedObjects.lyx' is not readable!

This is terminal output, and it happens because the included file is not 
found in the temp buffer. This is BTW also a problem for the already 
existing plain text clipboard copy (but was not noticed so far). I could fix 
this if needed.

> Maybe I will even request to revert this and readd this after LyX2.1 has
> been released. I'm afraid that this will have too many problems in
> practice.

I thought of disabling the HTML clipboard copy as well. However, I believe 
Richard should decide, since he can judge best whether there will likely be 
other problems.

BTW, thanks for your fixes, I indeed did not intend to remove the static 
keyword, this was a leftover of trying to keep only the temporary directory, 
but not the buffer static.


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