On Wed, Jan 10, 2001 at 11:54:36AM +0100, Lars Gullik Bj&resh;nnes wrote:
> Then I end up with something like:
> size_type const sz = rep->sz;
> if (!sz) return npos;
> size_type ii = min(sz - 1, i);
> for (int t = ii; t <= 0; --t) {
^^^ this should be t >= 0
> if (rep->s[t] == c) return t;
> }
> return npos;
> Can you test it.
This works, but I would write
if (rep->sz < 1) return npos;
size_type ii = min(rep->sz - 1, i);
do {
if (rep->s[ii] == c) return ii;
} while (ii-- > 0);
return npos;
And for lyxstring::rfind(lyxstring const & a, size_type) I would write
if (rep->sz < a.length()) return npos;
Actually, it appears that lyxstring::rfind(lyxstring const & a, size_type)
is completely broken...