When using nested bullets, etc., it seems to me that when increasing the
depth of a bullet, all bullets nested beneath that bullet should also be
bumped down a level.  Of course, bumping up against the maximum depth
would be a special case.  Also, just my opinion, but I would think it
more intuitive to stay at the current depth when hitting return on a
bullet, rather than explicitly having to hit M-Return.  Jumping back up
a level should have to be explicit imho.

Perhaps I'm not using version control like everyone else, but wouldn't
it be nice to have a way to merge changes in the repository into the
working document.  (Alleviating the need to close the document, cvs
update on a command line, and then reopen the document.)

Thanks for the good work.

Brett Jones

(P.S. - Is this list more appropriate than the users list?)

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