Benjamin Piwowarski wrote:

> Besides fixing the LyX behavior when python scripts fail, there are two
> solutions:
> - ensure that python is an absolute path by directly checking
> the different installed python within PATH: this might break in some very
> corner case and the patch is really trivial (on the bug page). The only
> corner case is the following: python is uninstalled while LyX is running,
> or the matching python is replaced by another one (this can happen);

If this is the only corner case then I'd vote for this very simple solution. 
I'd simply say that it is not supported to reinstall required programs while 
LyX is running. There are many more problems if you do that, imagine e.g. a 
TeXLive update while LyX is running.

> - use a new lyxrc entry (pythonpath) that could be set in the preferences.
> This can break in the same case.
> - recheck the PATH every time it is changed. This breaks in the same case.
> The second solution has the advantage of storing the value for future LyX
> runs. It would need to be further enhanced by:
> - check each time (or on fail) that the current python is a python2
> installation;
> - warn if python2 cannot be found and ask the user to provide a path to a
> valid one.

I'd like to avoid nother rc entry. Nobody would understand anymore how the 
system PATH, the LyX path prefix and the LyX python path would work 
together, and which is allowed to be changed in which rc file (default, user 
and dist).


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