On 28.04.2014 22:31, Tommaso Cucinotta wrote:
On 28/04/14 07:15, Peter Kümmel wrote:
When designing the transfer protocol you should
evaluate Google's Protocol Buffers:


Would guarantee a clean interface to the outer world. And you
don't have to think about parsing incoming bytes.

this reminded my of CORBA: we could use it to have seamless invocations
among remote instances of LyX, couldn't we :-) ?

To ride a more recent wave, we should use websockets/json, then a webfrontent
would be possible, and we would be more attractive for the javascript people.

And then sometimes lyx could switch from C++ to javascript ;)


LyX seems to already have its own way to serialize LFUNs, but I guess we'll
have to serialize more, and specifically DocIterator(s)...


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