Am 12.08.2014 um 22:07 schrieb pdv <>:

> As a follow-up on reports in the thread "LyX on OS X 10.9" from some months 
> ago, I build LyX(master) + Qt5(stable) (CMake + XCode).
> I replaced the Q_WS_MACX macro by Q_OS_MACX and QMaxStyle by QProxyStyle and 
> observed then (at least) 2 issues:
> 1) When starting up the menu bar is not visible; One must switch to another 
> app and then bring lyx to the foreground to make the menu bar appear.
> 2) When closing the (last) window the menu bar disappears mostly, except for 
> the LyX menu. This was also reported by Stephan Witt, but I did observe no 
> crash.
> When closing the last window Qt5 should switch to the "default menu bar" but 
> apparently it doesn't find one and creates it's own minimal default menu bar.
> The default menu bar is created by GlobalMenuBar() (in GuiApplication.cpp) 
> which has a constructor GlobalMenuBar() : new QMenuBar(0); according to the 
> Qt docs the first parent-less QMenuBar created will be used as the default 
> menu bar. Apparently Qt5 does not detect the QMenuBar(0) created via a 
> subclass;
> When replacing the GlobalMenuBar() by a base QMenuBar(0) problem 2) is solved.
> GlobalMenuBar() was introduced to override the event() function to handle 
> QEvent::ShortcutOverride events but shortcuts seem to work without using the 
> GlobalMenuBar (Cmd-Q and Cmd-, work as expected; Cmd-N and Cmd-O only work 
> after first activating one of them via the menu, but the latter also happens 
> in LyX211 and may not be related to Qt5). Building LyX + Qt4.8.6 confirms 
> that GlobalMenuBar's event() is not called when issuing a shortcut with no 
> window present. I assume that these standard mac-shortcuts are handled 
> automatically by Qt.
> If someone wants to check this, see the attached patch, which includes all 
> changes (but does not solve issue 1)).
> Patrick De Visschere
> <Qt5-fix-Q_WS_MACX+GlobalMenuBar.diff>

Hi Patrick,

the GlobalMenuBar() thing is a wonderful idea! I'm struggling since a while 
with the Qt5 build and failed to solve this issue 2. This I did while being on 
vacation, so I couldn't answer earlier.

The issue 1 was solved by Benjamin Piwowar already, IMHO. It's caused by Qt5 
not showing a menu top item without any action attached. The latest change is 
the dummy action has to be attached to the sub menu after the addMenu(subMenu) 
method call.

Both issues are regressions of Qt5, IMO.

The QMacStyle doesn't need to be replaced if LyX is linked with the QMacExtras 

Regarding the Q_WS_MACX macro replacement I'm not sure what should be done. 

1. I'd prefer to simply replace Q_WS_MACX with Q_OS_MAC which is available 
since 4.6.x at least.
2. I'd prefer to replace Q_WS_X11 and Q_WS_WIN with Q_OS_X11 and Q_OS_WIN at 
the same time but cannot test all platforms.

This results in the attached patch. It contains some additional changes in 
Menu.cpp I introduced while attacking the issue 2. Furthermore I changed 
CMakeLists.txt because of some warnings from newer cmake.

This patch should not be commit as is but in some separate steps. Please, if 
someone can try it or comment on it, I'd like to hear other opinions.


Attachment: 2014-08-15-Qt5.patch
Description: Binary data

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