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> On 25 Aug 2014, at 07:55, Stephan Witt <> wrote:
>> Am 23.08.2014 um 18:01 schrieb Patrick De Visschere <>:
>>> On 23 Aug, 2014, at 14:50 , Stephan Witt <> wrote:
>>>> Am 23.08.2014 um 12:01 schrieb Patrick De Visschere 
>>>> <>:
>>>>> On 20 Aug, 2014, at 23:15 , Stephan Witt <> wrote:
>>>>>> Am 20.08.2014 um 22:45 schrieb Patrick De Visschere 
>>>>>> <>:
>>>>>>> On 20 Aug, 2014, at 11:22 , Stephan Witt <> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Am 19.08.2014 um 22:41 schrieb Patrick De Visschere 
>>>>>>>> <>:
>>>>>>>>> On 19 Aug, 2014, at 14:12 , Stephan Witt <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Am 17.08.2014 um 20:13 schrieb Patrick De Visschere 
>>>>>>>>> <>:
>>>>>>>> My environment
>>>>>>>> * Mac OS X 10.9.4
>>>>>>>> * Darwin Kernel Version 13.3.0
>>>>>>>> * Qt 5.3.1 (stable branch) (default Cocoa)
>>>>>>>> ./configure -opensource -silent -shared -release -no-dbus -nomake 
>>>>>>>> examples -nomake tools -no-framework
>>>>>>> You don't build the libraries as frameworks. I'm not sure if this makes 
>>>>>>> no difference.
>>>>>>> I'm using the Qt frameworks I've build myself.
>>>>>>> Stephan
>>>>>> Stephan,
>>>>>> I was planning to do that. (the qt-debug build does not make a 
>>>>>> difference as you expected)
>>>>>> I suppose you use the script.
>>>>>> I have never managed to use this script without making changes to it, 
>>>>>> perhaps because I’m using it the wrong way.
>>>>>> I build qt as a framework separately and would then use the script like:
>>>>>> sh development/  --with-qt-frameworks=yes  
>>>>>> --with-qt-dir=/Users/pdv/Developer/public/Trolltech/Qt-5.3.1 
>>>>>> --qt-deployment=yes --with-macosx-target=10.8 --with-sdkroot=10.8 
>>>>>> --with-arch=x86_64 --with-libiconv-prefix=/opt/local --enable-debug
>>>>>> I think the --with-qt-frameworks=yes is needed to include qt as a 
>>>>>> framework;
>>>>>> and --with-qt-dir=/… points to the dir where the  qt-framework has been 
>>>>>> installed (previously).
>>>>>> I’m not sure about the exact meaning of --qt-deployment=yes  but I think 
>>>>>>  I need it too.
>>>>>> What I don’t understand are the lines 260-262
>>>>>> if [ "${configure_qt_frameworks}" != "yes" ]; then
>>>>>>    QtInstallDir=${QTDIR:-"/opt/qt4"}
>>>>>> fi
>>>>>> with --with-qt-frameworks=yes, QtInstallDir is not set.
>>>>>> Therefore I uncomment the if/fi so that
>>>>>> QtInstallDir=${QTDIR:-"/opt/qt4”}
>>>>>> is always executed and QtInstallDir points to my qt-install dir.
>>>>>> In addition I must modify some CPPFLAGS= ...
>>>>>> Any idea what I’m doing wrong?
>>>>>> Patrick De Visschere
>>>>> Perhaps I should remove the --with-qt-frameworks switch. I don't use it 
>>>>> anymore
>>>>> and it was meant as "with the frameworks by Qt (Nokia)". The 
>>>>> --qt-deployment=yes
>>>>> is default and with it the script copies the frameworks to the package. 
>>>>> This is
>>>>> needed if you want to use the LyX app on another system.
>>>>> I'd avoid the --with-libiconv-prefix=/opt/local switch.
>>>>> This is the shell script I'm using for calling
>>>>> #!/bin/sh
>>>>> ARCH=x86_64
>>>>> QtVersion=5.3.1
>>>>> QtAPI=-cocoa
>>>>> LyXVersion=lyx
>>>>> CC=cc CXX=c++ \
>>>>> QtConfigureOptions="-debug-and-release" QtAPI=${QtAPI} 
>>>>> QtVersion=${QtVersion} \
>>>>> sh ${MKFLAGS} ${LyXVersion}/development/ \
>>>>> --with-sdkroot=10.8 --with-macosx-target=10.6 --with-arch=${ARCH} \
>>>>> --with-qt-dir=/Users/Shared/LyX/qt-${QtVersion}-frameworks${QtAPI}-${ARCH}
>>>>>  \
>>>>> "$@"
>>>>> Stephan
>>>> I’ve build LyX+Qt5 with the script and the 
>>>> menubar appears immediately. Since with XCode I use the macports iconv 
>>>> library that could still theoretically be the culprit. Or maybe it’s just 
>>>> due to Xcode. Anyway this is not very important;
>>>> I tried to build (with Xcode) without aspell and hunspell but somehow 
>>>> cmake doesn’t want that.
>>> This is my script to call cmake for Xcode project generation:
>>> #!/bin/sh
>>> export PATH="/Users/Shared/LyX/qt-5.3.1-frameworks-cocoa-x86_64/bin:${PATH}"
>>> LyxSourceDir="$(pwd)/lyx"
>>> LyxUtilDir="/Users/Shared/LyX/utilities"
>>> LyXVersion=$(grep AC_INIT "${LyxSourceDir}"/ | cut -d, -f2 | tr 
>>> -d " ()")
>>> LyxBuildDir=lyx-build/cmake/"${LyXVersion}"
>>> if [ -f "${LyxSourceDir}/development/cmake/CMakeLists.txt" ]; then
>>> TOPCMAKE="${LyxSourceDir}/development/cmake"
>>> else
>>> TOPCMAKE="${LyxSourceDir}"
>>> fi
>>> rm -rf "${LyxBuildDir}"
>>> mkdir -p "${LyxBuildDir}"
>>> case "$(qmake -version)" in
>>> *Using*5.*)
>>> esac
>>> -DASPELL_LIBRARY_RELEASE=${LyxUtilDir}/lib/libaspell.dylib \
>>> -DHUNSPELL_INCLUDE_DIR=${LyxUtilDir}/include \
>>> -DHUNSPELL_LIBRARY=${LyxUtilDir}/lib/libhunspell.dylib \
>>> -DMagic_INCLUDE_DIR=${LyxUtilDir}/include \
>>> -DMagic_LIBRARY=${LyxUtilDir}/lib/libmagic.dylib \
>>> (
>>> cd "${LyxBuildDir}" && \
>>> cmake -G "${CMAKE_GENERATOR}" "${TOPCMAKE}" \
>>>    -DLYX_NLS=OFF \
>>>    ${LYX_USE_QT} \
>>>    "$@"
>>> )
>>> # end of script
>>> I'm using only self made libraries with Xcode too. Therefore I can work 
>>> with both environments, Xcode for debugging and autotools for packaging.
>>>> There were/are still some problems (with the manual build):
>>>> 1) Aspell as it is fails to build (on 10.9 I assume). This is easily 
>>>> solved by applying the small patch used by macports.
>>>> 2) I don’t understand how the lyx-build is supposed to find the 
>>>> Qt5-frameworks; Apparently the switches
>>>> --enable-qt5 --with-qt-dir=/Users/pdv/Developer/public/Trolltech/Qt-5.3.1
>>>> are not sufficient.
>>> I don't use --enable-qt5. I've studiedd the configure script and I think it 
>>> does the wrong thing on a Mac.
>>> On a Mac the Qt libraries are not renamed for Qt5, the core framework is 
>>> named QtCore and not Qt5Core, e.g.
>>> Perhaps you have to avoid it.
>> Without —enable-qt5 (and the script as it is) I get this error when 
>> configuring
>> checking for QT_CORE... checking for QT_FRONTEND... checking for X... 
>> disabled
>> checking for Qt library name... failed
>> configure: error: cannot compile a simple Qt executable. Check you have the 
>> right $QTDIR.
>> ERROR: Cannot build and install LyX for x86_64.
>> When including --enable-qt5 this goes away but still the qt-includes are not 
>> found.
>> Once I modify the scripts as below the --enable-qt5 is not needed anymore.
>> In the configure.log I find this variable
>> QT_INCLUDES='-I/Users/pdv/Developer/public/Trolltech/Qt-5.3.1//include 
>> -I/Users/pdv/Developer/public/Trolltech/Qt-5.3.1//include/Qt 
>> -I/Users/pdv/Developer/public/Trolltech/Qt-5.3.1//include/QtCore 
>> -I/Users/pdv/Developer/public/Trolltech/Qt-5.3.1//include/QtGui 
>> -I/Users/pdv/Developer/public/Trolltech/Qt-5.3.1//include/QtWidgets 
>> -I/Users/pdv/Developer/public/Trolltech/Qt-5.3.1//include/QtConcurrent 
>> -I/Users/pdv/Developer/public/Trolltech/Qt-5.3.1//include/QtMacExtras’
>> I don’t understand the // in the paths, but the frameworks are not in the 
>> include directory.
> They don't hurt. I'd guess the paths are constructed and somewhere the 
> slashes are added twice "to be sure".
>> These paths would make sense if qt was build with -no-framework, which is 
>> not the case.
> This is the successful conftest command from my configure log:
> configure:9758: c++ -o conftest -Os 
> -I/Users/Shared/LyX/qt-5.3.1-frameworks-cocoa-x86_64//include 
> -I/Users/Shared/LyX/qt-5.3.1-frameworks-cocoa-x86_64//include/Qt 
> -I/Users/Shared/LyX/qt-5.3.1-frameworks-cocoa-x86_64//include/QtCore 
> -I/Users/Shared/LyX/qt-5.3.1-frameworks-cocoa-x86_64//include/QtGui 
> -I/Users/Shared/LyX/qt-5.3.1-frameworks-cocoa-x86_64//include/QtWidgets 
> -I/Users/Shared/LyX/qt-5.3.1-frameworks-cocoa-x86_64//include/QtConcurrent 
> -I/Users/Shared/LyX/qt-5.3.1-frameworks-cocoa-x86_64//include/QtMacExtras 
> -F/Users/Shared/LyX/qt-5.3.1-frameworks-cocoa-x86_64//lib  
> -I/Users/Shared/LyX/utilities/include  -isysroot 
> /Applications/
>  -arch x86_64 -mmacosx-version-min=10.6  -L/Users/Shared/LyX/utilities/lib 
> -isysroot 
> /Applications/
>  -arch x86_64 -mmacosx-version-min=10.6 conftest.cpp  -liconv -lz -lmagic 
> -framework QtCore -framework QtConcurrent -framework QtWidgets -framework 
> QtMacExtras -framework QtGui
> For the link step with frameworks the 
> "-F/Users/Shared/LyX/qt-5.3.1-frameworks-cocoa-x86_64//lib" switch is 
> essential, IMO.
> Stephan


I'm beginning to think that we must have different qt-installs. Although the -F 
switch suggests mac-frameworks, the header files are then not to be found in an 
include directory, but e.g. in .../lib/QtCore.framework/Headers, that is if qt 
has been installed as a framework, as I've done. The -I paths mentioned make 
sense for a normal (non-framework) install. I have always assumed that a 
framework installation is required but maybe the build script can build the 
frameworks from a normal install. I cannot check this right now.


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