I see. IMO the LFUN way is preferable. I'll give one use case where I
would find this useful: when writing a document with length
constraints (e.g. # words, # chars), it would be nice to have the
information accessible through a shortcut on the status bar (instead
of going to where the inset was inserted). Something sligthy more
human-friendly would be nicer (e.g. words: ## chars: ## chars+spaces:
##) instead of ## ## ## as in the patch.

Btw, it would be also nice to have selection-bound statistics (e.g. in
some journals / grant calls there are rigid bounds for each section or


On Fri, Oct 17, 2014 at 6:14 PM, Pavel Sanda <sa...@lyx.org> wrote:
> Alfredo Braunstein wrote:
>> Sorry for the dumb question, but what is InsetInfo good for (in terms
>> of usecase). It seems like a very strange concept IMHO. Why can't it
>> be e.g a dialog or a panel?
> It's part of the document and it will be printed, so dialog won't work.
> Originally for shortcuts, nowadays it can contain filename, path,
> revision info.
> Pavel

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